The following material is an adaptation of mecha from MACROSS PLUS, a sequel to the original Japanese MACROSS TV series (which became Robotech here in the U.S.). Please feel free to use, copy, and distribute it as you see fit. All we ask is that you give proper credit to us and do not claim that it is your own work. Comments and suggestions are welcome.

PA-142 Stormlord

Mobile Infantry Powered Armor

Original RPG Stats by DANIEL HENWOOD (
Background info provided by NEWTYPE ALPHA PRODUCTIONS


UN fleet officials generally identify this craft as the "Renegade Powered Armor", which is ironic considering that the GSDF often holds a similar designation for older versions such mecha. Developed in 2017 for use by the Gallaron Marine corp, this powered armor was one of the first new mecha designs ever produced by Gallaron engineers during the 2nd Supervision War. It was one of the highest performing mecha of it's day, and maintained that distinction for almost two decades with repeated upgrades and modifications. When the Stormlord debuted in 2017, it was primarily deployed for ground combat units or close range space defense forces to support the variable fighter units of the main group, not unlike the Destroid units of the old UN Spacey. It soon proved to be a highly capable multirole mecha, easily on par with the VF-4 Lighting variable fighters of the time in terms of performance in addition to being much better armed. Despite the machine's apparent wealth in firepower, it still lacks the heavy strike cappabilities of it's transforming counterparts the variable fighters, and is used mainly as an anti-mecha/anti-macron-personnel defensive mecha. It is found in absolutely every branch of the Gallaron defense forces, but sees the most specific use with the Quodrono Special Forces and the Gallaron Marine corp as an anti-personnel suppression unit.


Regrettably, the older versions of the Stormlord Powered Armor ended up in wide circulation among rogue Zentradi warlords and privateers, who sought to raise revenue for their own misadventures by selling and exchanging these relatively cheep but powerful mecha in exchange for more valuable services and/or weapons. As a result, the PA-142 version is now the preferred weapon of anarchists and anti-social miscreants across many sectors of the galaxy.


Vehicle Type: PA-142 Stormlord
Class: Mobile Infantry/Macron Powered Armor
Manufacturer: Gallaron Alpha Factory Satellite/GSDF
Crew: One full-sized Zentradi or specially trained human pilot


(1) Head/Helmet                         80
(2) Main Body                          200
    Arms (2)                            50 each
    Hands (2)                           10 each
    Legs (2)                            70 each 
    Forearm P-Beams (2)                 30 each 
    Auto Cannon                         20
    Laser Cannon                        20
    Pulse Laser                         25
    Communications Antenna               1
    Missile Launchers (3)               50 each
(3) Rear Engine Section                100
(4) Main Thrusters (3, rear)            40 each
(4) Maneuvering Thrusters (4, legs)     20 each


  1. Destroying the head/helmet of the power armor will will knock out the mecha's major sensor systems, including all of the optics systems (infrared, nightvision, thermal). Radar and communications will be unaffected. -5 to hit due to size and shielding.
  2. Depleting the MDC of the main body will destroy the mecha and kill the pilot.
  3. Destroying the rear engine section of the armor will knock out all thrusters and weapons. In space, the armor will become adrift while in an atmosphere it will crash.
  4. Each main thruster destroyed reduces the speed of the armor by 30%. If all three main thrusters are destroyed while the armor is in a planetary atmosphere it will crash. The maneuvering thrusters are not powerful enough to keep the armor aloft in gravity. Each maneuvering thruster destroyed will reduce speed by 2.5% and impose a -1 penalty to dodge while flying.


RUNNING: 60 mph (96 kmph)
50 ft (15.2 m) high or 100 ft (30.5 m) long without thrusters. 200 ft (71 m) high or 400 ft (143 m) long with thruster assistance. Thrusters can also be used to stop a fall from any height.
Mach One (670 mph/1,072 kmph) with a 30,000 ft (9,144 m) ceiling in an Earth-like atmosphere. Can also hover in place indefinitely.


HEIGHT: 58.0 ft (18.1 m)
WIDTH: 16.5 ft (5.2 m) at shoulders
LENGTH: 22.7 ft (7.1 m)
WEIGHT: 42 tons

PHYSICAL STRENGTH: Equal to a P.S. of 60
CARGO: None.
POWER PLANT: Type-3S2, GSDF standard thermonuclear converter.


  1. FOREARM PARTICLE BEAMS (2): The main weapons used by the Stormlord Power Armor are a pair of high-intensity particle beam cannons, with one mounted on each arm of the armor. The firing mechanism is based on to the ones used by the Regult tactical battle pod, though the power mechanisms have been augmented with newer technology to make them more compact.

  2. HIGH-SPEED TRIPLE BARREL PULSE LASER: This weapon is mounted on the right side of the armor's chest. It has a limited range of motion and can be rotated 15 degrees in any direction from the front of the mecha. The mechanism of the lasers are based on a combination of standard UN Spacey technology and similar weapons on Meltrandi Queadlunn-Rau powered armors.

  3. AUTO CANNON: The left side of the armor's chest contains a single autocannon, which can also be rotated 15 degrees from the front of the mecha. The autocannon is similar to the one used by the Regult battle pods, but has a slightly improved projectile speed for greater accuracy.

  4. LASER CANNON: A single laser cannon is mounted above the autocannon on the left side of the armor's chest. It is linked to the autocannon and can only move and point in the same direction as the cannon. The laser is based on the head lasers mounted on all VF-1 Valkyrie fighters.

  5. MISSILE LAUNCHERS (3): The Stormlord is equipped with three missile launchers, one on each side of the waist and one directly in front of the chest. The front launcher contains 15 missiles that can be fired individually or all at once in a single volley, while the side launchers each contain 16 missiles that can be fired in volleys of up to 4 at a time. The launchers are compatible with both UN Spacey and Zentradi short-range missiles.

  6. HAND TO HAND COMBAT: If necessary, the pilot of the Stormlord power armor can engage in melee combat rather than use a weapon. The armor is extremely agile and can execute most typical hand to hand combat moves, such as punches, jump kicks, leap attacks, rolling with impacts, etc. Note that Zentradi tend to prefer hand-to-hand combat...




NOTE: This training is available only to macronized  pilots.