The following material is an adaptation of mecha from THE LEGEND OF MEGAROAD, a fanfiction sequel to the original Japanese MACROSS TV series (which became Robotech here in the U.S.) and the Macross Movie (1984). Please feel free to use, copy, and distribute it as you see fit. All I ask is that you give proper credit to me and do not claim that it is your own work. Comments and suggestions are welcome.


Background info provided by NEWTYPE ALPHA PRODUCTIONS


 The VF-4 Lightning III was developed by Stonewell Bellcom in late 2009, and was promoted as the "next generation" variable fighter for the UN Spacey by the company. The VF-4 was faster, more maneuverable, could generate more thrust than the standard VF-1 Valkyrie, and was armed with dual beam cannons in addition to the traditional GU-11 gun pods. Early models of the VF-4, designated VF-X-4 Prototypes, were produced on Earth for testing purposes in 2010, just as Space War One started to increase in magnitude. The VF-X-4 prototypes were heavily based on the VF-1 Valkyrie design; 35% of the VF-X-4's components were directly taken from the VF-1 Valkyrie, including the entire nose and forward fuselage section.

The first VF-4 squadrons were issued to the Skull and Iron Chiefs Squadrons, which accompanied the SDF-2 Megaroad-01 on her colonization mission in late 2012. When the Gallaron colony was established by Megaroad-01 in 2016, two derelict factory satellites were salvaged and put to work producing variable fighters for the Gallaron Space Defense Forces throughout the 2nd Supervision War. For much of the war, the Lighting was used very little as a true tactical fighter and actually served primarily as a multirole interceptor for Gallaron fleet, and leaving most of the heavy strike operations to older VF-1 Valkyrie fighters and later VF/D-12 Rapiers.

In late 2018, the VF-4 underwent its final and most dramatic upgrade to the design as the VF/S-4 Blitzkrieg, a tactical fighter greatly superior to its original incarnation in many ways but still produced at roughly the same cost. This design featured a radical new FAST pack option, as well as increased fixed armaments and improved bomb load capacity. It also became the first tactical variable fighter in the GSDF to incorporate the new-style nuclear turbine engines pioneered by Macron Industries, improving speed and performance both in space and in an atmosphere and setting the former car manufacturer as the leader in aerospace engineering for the next 40 years. Much of the weapons upgrades, however, are owed strictly to Neoculture Engineering, who first established itself for its work with the PA-143 Stormlord powered armor.

The first Blitzkrieg fighters went into combat several months before the climactic Battle of Vorhalas, the first of which were issued to Colonel Hikaru Ichijo of the famous Skull Squadron and Captain Broli Kidranik's Black Viper Squadron, both of which performed so well in the ensuing battle the squadrons themselves became household names for most citizens of the Stellar Republic.

The Lighting-III design continued on in its Blitzkrieg configuration for over a decade, during which time its service record in combat time and again surprised even the most optimistic estimates of military tacticians and engineers throughout the Stellar Republic. The VF-4 design, along with the Blitzkrieg variant, ended production in 2031 and were eventually replaced altogether by the advanced new VF/A-15 Hellcat. Between 2012 and 2031, a grand total of 29,850 Lighting-III fighters were produced by the Gallaron Spacy, all of which were either built or later refitted to the standard Blitzkrieg configuration.



Vehicle Types:

Class: Tactical Variable Fighter
Manufacturer: Gallaron Alpha Factory/Macron Industries
Crew: One pilot and one Radar Intercept Officer wearing Tactical Life Support System


(1) Head                                    60
    Hands (2)                               50 each
    Arms/Laser Cannons (2)                 120 each
(2) Shoulders/Engine Nacelles (2)          150 each
(2) Legs/Main Thrusters (2)                190 each
(2) Optional Whistler pods (2)	           200 each
(3) Main Body                              320
    Canard Forward Wings (2)                30 each
    Main Wings (2)                         120 each
    Tails (4)                               50 each
    Reinforced Pilot's Cockpit             160
    BGU-112 Gun Pod (1 or 2)               100 each
    BC-60 Laser Cannon Pod (1 or 2)        120 each


  1. Destroying the head of the VF will knock out the mecha's major sensor systems, including all of the optics systems (infrared, nightvision, thermal). Radar and communications will be unaffected.
  2. Destroying the shoulders/engine nacelles or the legs/thrusters will severely damage the VF-4's engines. Destruction of either shoulder will reduce maximum speeds by 20%, and destruction of either leg will reduce speeds by 30%. If three of the four engines are destroyed the Lightning will have insufficient thrust to remain airborne and must land. If all four engines are destroyed the variable fighter will lose power and crash.
  3. Destruction of the main body will completely destroy the mecha.



Mach 3.62+  max speed at 10,000 meters or less above sea level. Mach 7.2+ (4824 mph/7286 kmph) max speed at 10,000-30,000 meters above sea level. The VF-4 is fully trans-atmospheric and can attain orbital velocity above an Earth-type planet under its own power.
14,200 kg x2 from main engines. 7,420 kg x2 from secondary thrusters.


45.5 ft (13.76 m) in soldier mode.
24.3 ft (7.34 m) in gerwalk mode.
12.3 ft (3.72 m) in fighter mode.
16.5 ft (5.00 m) in soldier mode.
47.1 ft (14.28 m) in gerwalk or fighter configuration (max wingspan).
14.8 ft (4.48 m) in soldier mode.
28.3 ft (8.58 m) in gerwalk mode.
49.2 ft (14.92 m) in fighter mode.
13,950 kg


Equal to a P.S. of 50
Small compartment behind pilot's seat for personal belongings.
Two Macron Industries/Gallaron Spacy NRW-2025RZ thermonuclear turbine engines, plus two Neoculture NP-JS-9401 thruster pods in optional FAST packs or "Whistler" Pods. Kaladan Engineering PSX-12J pulse-vernier thrusters at key locations along the VF-4's hull for added mobility. (The original design featured Neoculture GR-150 pulse verniers, but these were replaced with Kaladan Engineering's new RCS systems developed by officers of Commander Jinai's fleet.)
Dorsal: NP-BP-01, NP-BP-02, NR-BP-T1, NP-JS-9401



  1. MEDIUM RANGE TRI-BARRELED LASER CANNONS: The main weapon of the Blitzkrieg is a pair of rapid firing beam cannons mounted on the engine nacelles of the aircraft. The cannon's design is closely based on the high speed pulse lasers of the Queadlunn-Rau powered armor, but the larger power source of the Blitzkrieg greatly increased their effectiveness. The cannons are slightly adjustable and can be aimed to fire anywhere in a 30 degree arc in front of the aircraft. In gerwalk and soldier modes the laser cannons are mounted on the backs of the mecha's arms, and can be fired in any direction the arms are pointing.

  2. BODY/WING HARD POINTS: The VF/S-4 is also equipped with eight fixed hard points for missile loads and other ordinance. Three hardpoints are mounted on each wing with two on the main body. These hardpoints can be used to hold a variety of different ordinance types, including long or medium range missiles. One long range or 3 medium range missiles can be mounted per hardpoint, and a maximum of two medium range missiles can be mounted on each of the two outboard hardpoints on the wing tips. The VF/S-4 has a wide selection of available weapons, but for most of its mission roles it is typically equipped with any combination of AIM-140 MRMs and AIM-190 SRMs.

  3. PRIMARY PURPOSE: Anti-warship/anti-mecha

  4. SECONDARY PURPOSE: heavy assault

  5. MISSILE TYPES: Any type of standard GSDF long range missiles or medium range missiles can be used. (Common munitions given)

  6. RMS-2: Nuclear standoff/anti-ship LRM

  7. AIM-140: Armor-piercing high explosive MRM

  8. AGM-165: Tactical-nuclear/ground assault MRM

  9. AIM-190: Anti-mecha SRM

  10. RANGE: Varies with missile type

  11. RMS-2: 1000 miles (1608 km)

  12. AIM-140: 80 miles (128.7 km)

  13. AGM-165: 40 miles (64.3 km)

  14. AIM-190: 10 miles (16 km)

  15. DAMAGE: Varies with missile type

  16. RMS-2: 3D6x1000 MD (radius 850m)

  17. AIM-140: 2D6x10 (radius 12 m)

  18. AGM-165: 3D6x100 (radius 61 m)

  19. AIM-190: 1D6x10 MD (direct hit)

  20. RATE OF FIRE: Volleys of up to 6 long range missiles or 18 medium range missiles

  21. PAYLOAD: The Blitzkrieg usually carries 4 long range missiles or 16 medium range missiles. Can carry four launcher pods pods for up to 60 micro-missiles under wings and still have room on the wingtips for up to four MRMs of any type. Additional missile load will result in one or both gunpods not being equipped.

  22. NEOCULTURE BGU-112 39.6mm MULTIPURPOSE GUN POD: For additional close-range combat capability, the VF/S-4 can be armed with one or two BGU-112 gun pods, similar to the ones used by the original VF-1 Valkyries. These gunpods use smaller shells and with a six-barreled vulcan configuration, have a much faster firing rate than the classic GU-11. The only drawback is that the gun pods are mounted on hardpoints in fighter mode, and therefore the VF/S-4 cannot carry as many missiles as usual. When mounted each BGU-112 takes up one hard point, reducing the number of missiles the Lightning can carry (see above). Since the VF/S-4's improved weapon system hardly calls for a defensive weapon for close combat, most pilots either choose to go without one or both gunpods, or else include them only on escort missions where anti-missile defense may be needed. One spare clip can be stored in each leg of the VF/S-4.

  23. BC-60 LASER CANNON POD: Towards the end of the 2nd Supervision War, development began on further refinement of energy based weapons eventually yielding a new gunpod design: the BC-60 energy gun pod. This weapon is basically a simplified version of the older VF-4 Lighting's high caliber laser cannons, augmented with new technologies that have given this weapon a longer effective range and a much faster firing rate. As a result, the gunpod can be fired with a series of extremely quick bursts like a machine gun, or with long, powerful bursts much like a traditional particle beam. At least ten percent of Lighting pilots keep a BC-60 as a backup weapon though many pilots prefer to go into combat without these weapons, instead relying on the fixed pulse lasers of the fighter itself.

    1. PRIMARY PURPOSE: Assault/Defense

    2. RANGE: 2.3 miles (3.8 km) doubles in space

    3. DAMAGE: Does 2D6x10 M.D. for a single blast, 6D6x10 per short burst. Can be fired simultaneously with a second pod in the same attack/action.

    4. RATE OF FIRE: Equal to the pilot's combined number of attacks. Can be fired in charged semi-auto or in quick, 6 round bursts.

    5. PAYLOAD: Powered by rechargeable energy capacitor with enough power for 40 rounds or 10 short bursts. Each capacitor can be recharged by Blitzkrieg's power plant, but requires 2 minutes (8 melees) to fully recharge. A typical fighter always carries at least one spare pack when using such weapons.

  24. HAND TO HAND COMBAT: If necessary, the pilot of the VF-4 can engage in melee combat rather than use a weapon. The Lightning is extremely agile and can execute most typical hand to hand combat moves, such as punches, jump kicks, leap attacks, rolling with impacts, etc.







Note: Valkyrie Combat Training (from Macross II) or Veritech Combat Training (from Robotech) can be substituted for either of the skills below. If this is the case, then the pilot gets a bonus of +1 to parry and dodge and one extra melee attack per round in addition to the his normal combat bonuses due the speed and agility of the Lightning III.