Rants and Raves


Something pissing you off!?  Well, what are you going to do about it?  Just sit there feeling sorry for yourself or write a really irritating article and send it to me so I can put it up here for the world to see?  Well, I am.  I'm going to try for a bi-weekly article; but I'm not promising anything.  Now, if you like what I'm writing email me.  Hate me and want to tell me, email me.  Think my opinions suck, tell me.  I won't mind in the least.  ^_^


Villain or Heroes? Dec. 14, 2000
Message Board Politics Dec 26, 2000
Tips for Dating a Otaku Feb. 22, 2001
To Battle or Not To Battle, Assault that is (Guest Author: Gundam Newbie) March 11, 2001
Turning your Friends into Anime Fiends just like You April 8, 2001
Things I wish I had Know When. . .  April 13, 2001


You want to get a hold of the LostGundam?  Try emailing her, she might even respond

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