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This site contains Gundam Wing yaoi. If this offends you please leave now. I write what I feel so there is no particular pairing, I know that I’ve used Duo and Quatre in the banner but that’s because Duo is the God of Death and everyone believes Quatre to be an angel, so he is like an angel of life, the same with my email address. Most of the stories on the page will have Quatre as one of the main characters because I find him to be the easiest to write, the same with Heero and Duo, so you will probably find a lot of 1x4’s and 2x4 and my favourite threesome, 1x2x4’s. Now, if you have read this entire boring paragraph, you will know that to get into the page that you click on the second four on this page. But if you haven’t read the warning then I guess you’re kinda stuck until you do read it. Now, this page might also contain het, I’m not quite sure yet, and it almost might contain yuri, but I’ve never written yuri before so I’m not promising anything. If you think that a yuri would be nice, please tell me, thanks.