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tokudane BL manga tracker
aarinfantasy forum


Akame - w/ Ueto Aya cm
Akame - w/ Aya cm backstage
Akame (young) - dancing tango
Akame (young) - Okinawa trip review


Site Content © liam
Layout © digik.net


This site will mainly be a place to upload stuff about Japanese pop idols. But some of the manga links I listed are *yaoi or shounen-ai* so be warned. But, rest assured, I don't slash pop idols, or real people in general...

P.S. With this site, what you see is what you get...not much depth to it since I haven't really worked my way thru html...I know...bad me...

Current Idols

Kamenashi Kazuya is probably number one. Then Koyama Keichiro, coz he has the most outgoing personality...and then Yama-pi or someone equally pretty...

Feel free to download whatever I happen to put up (points to the right)...although most will probably just be small things, since I'm using MegaUpload and YSI...


The majority of the manga I read is yaoi or shounen-ai (hence the warning above). I also am big on Naruto and Death Note (which I don't really believe is boys' love)...

I recommend using the Tokudane tracker not only for keeping updated on releases, but as a portal to the many yaoi scanlation groups out there...and definitely join the aarinfantasy forum becoz people are super-nice there and upload everything from yaoi anime to BL manga...


If I upload something that I got from you and you don't want it up, drop me a line and I will be happy to take it down.

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