So, you've stumbled across my little hole in the deep, dark recesses of the Internet... good for you! Just a few precautions before you enter, so as you don't enter uninformed (for ignorance is never an excuse)...

1: I am biased. I have opinions about Gundam Wing that may or may not agree with yours. I'll be respectful about it as long as you are.

2: Much of the content is not for little kiddies, despite the cute chibis on the banner. ESCPECIALLY the fanfiction... I'm not saying that I write sex romps (I don't), but I do tend to write dark stuff. Be forewarned.

3: I support yaoi. That's right; shounen-ai, boy/boy love, the whole nine yards. If you have a problem with that, hit the back button now, because you're not going to like this place...
I also support yuri, but it's doubtful that you'll find any here.

4: Expect random insanity as well as random seriousness.

5: There really isn't a fifth warning, but that's okay because five is a multiple of five, and that's my favorite number! ^.^

Well, if you don't mind all of the above, then click the cute little chibi-pilots above and play around at your own leisure.