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Part One

"Can you believe that at one time, we were actually up fighting in that?"

Duo asked, as he stared intently up into the night sky, scattered plentifully with stars.

"Yes...but why does it seem so long ago?"

Quatre sighed, finishing the rubix cube he was working on. He threw it off to the side in boredom and followed Duo's stare into the endless sky. Duo had decided to stay with Quatre and do a little work for him and the Winner Foundation, until he really decided what he was going to do. They had been on Earth for the past three weeks. Quatre traveled quite often for his job, and it was actually the one night of the week they had free to do whatever they wanted, but instead of doing something, they did nothing. Not being able to think of anything, they just sat out in the grass and stared up at the sky.

"It's like a never-ending spider web..." Duo said suddenly, being beat to breaking the silence by a chorus of crickets.

Quatre smiled and cocked his head in thought.

"Yeah...I guess you could put it that way. Since when have you been such a poet?" he chuckled, finally turning to him.

Duo shrugged.

"I dunno." Duo said, awkwardly grabbing the rubix cube off the ground and mixed it up again, since Quatre had solved it and started fumbling with it himself. His brows narrowed in frustrated concentration and he growled quietly when he realized that he couldn't move the panels diagonally, so he threw it on the ground. Quatre watched it blankly roll to a stop and Duo finally spoke up, sounding more frustrated than anything else.

"Where do you think the guys are?"

Quatre smiled.

"Well, Trowa's probably back at the circus with for Heero and Wufei...I have no idea."

" know, the least they coulda done was keep in touch. We haven't talked to them in months!"

"Seven months to be exact." Quatre added.

"Gah, don't remind me." he sighed, lying down on his back and staring up at the waning moon.

"Heero's probably out there somewhere doin’ somethin’ exciting and all Heero-like. While us...what are we doin’? We're sittin' here shufflin’ papers..."

"Duo you can leave you don't have to stay here and do this, I know you're not happy." Quatre chuckled.

"Nah, Q-man, I'm cool here with you. It would just be cool to see the guys again." "I'm sure we will someday Duo..."
< br>
Wufei had traveled to numerous colonies in the last few months, and he was just leaving another. His destination: Earth. Thanks to a little bit of information he had received from Sally, who he had been keeping in touch with frequently lately, had booked his journey there. He had discovered she was definitely the source to go for wanted information. He boarded the shuttle with a determined stride and sat down, shifting in the padded chair restlessly. Sighing, he set his head back and closed his eyes, hearing his and Sally's phone conversation over again in his head:

"Well Wufei, I certainly have some interesting news for you. Although, I'm sure it won't be to your liking."

"What is it?"

"Well, it's about a person, whom I believe to be a female. But she simply goes by the code name 'Gemini' from what I've read about her. She's seemed to be taking quite and interest and intrigue in the past histories of you gundam pilots..."

"Oh?" Wufei had asked, affirming that she had his attention.

"Yes. As a matter of fact, this has been going on now for quite some time. A month or two at my knowledge. Also, don't right off the bat suspect any type of mobile suit or new gundam involved. Because I've found nothing that supports that theory. No unusual amounts mobile armor or gundanium shipped to the Earth, or any of the colonies. I've been keeping tabs on that for a while now."

Wufei was silent in though.

"So...I can't really tell you whether this is just some obsessed soldier from the war, or if she's really a threat. I have one hard core thing on her though. Check your computer."

Wufei had done so, receiving an image of a typed letter of some kind, obviously from Sally. It read:


I have acquired the information you have asked I retrieve on the former gundam pilots. You will receive it at the arranged time, arranged place, as long as the arranged payment is agreed and definite.


"Hn..." Wufei said when he finished reading it over.

"Interesting, huh?" Sally chuckled.

"I also have an address. The Greenlash estates in Calover, England."

"All right. I'm going."

Sally had heard the sudden click on the other line and smiled as she hung up her own phone, trying to decide to herself whether he meant, 'just hanging up the phone' or 'really going down to Earth'. She found out soon enough what he meant.

Wufei sat calmly as he felt the shuttle taking off beneath him. His jaw was the only thing to tense a bit as he began to contemplate the reasons for this new foe, and tensed a bit more at the thought of another OZ.

It was a fairly chilly evening when Wufei walked silently up to the back of the stone building, unnoticed by anyone. He had climbed the tall, ivy covered chain-link fence and studied the slate gray, mansion-like building. There were many windows, but out of all of them, only one was lit. With ease he walked up to the building and took a grip on the hunter green vines, that grew all over the building, only allowing the stones to peek out in groups in certain places. The vines were stiff and thick, and he easily began to shimmy quietly up them.

For such an interesting, but secretive person, you sure don't have much protection... Wufei thought to himself, as he came up underneath the lit window, on the third floor.

He once again, made sure there was no one below him or at any windows before he carefully picked his head up to look in the window. Sitting across the large room, was a dark-haired girl, her smoky brown curls falling over her shoulders. She was sitting with her back to him, staring at a glowing computer screen, totally intent on her work. His eyes narrowed as he put his hand to his waist, pulling out his gun and out of habit and familiarity, adjusting his hand on it and wrapping his finger snugly around the trigger.

"You're going to regret your curiosity, onna...." Wufei whispered.

The large French window opened like a door, and finding it unlocked, Wufei silently opened the left panel, leaving it open as he set his foot noiselessly on the cream colored carpet. He planned this to be a quick job. He held his arm out, gun pointed at the back of the girl's head. He heard the girl sigh. "Damn window..." she grumbled as she shivered. She stood up and turned around, freezing with wide eyes at the sight of Wufei. He glared at her, frozen eyes shimmering as he removed the safety on the gun.

To be continued...