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Chapter Eight A

Notes: Enjoy

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The music had only begun and the DJ was playing a very soft song. Nobody was out on the dance floor yet. The guys from an all guys school where checking out the girls. But not much was going on. Many where gathered in front of the drinks making small talk quietly. A disco ball was in the middle of the room sent small lights flickering and bouncing on the walls. In one corner sat Elizabeth dressed as a Greek goddess simply surrounded by boys who looked at her with big puppy dog eyes. The costume dance was the biggest event of the year for meeting guys and she certainly wasn't going to waste her time. Her eyes flickered over to the crowd. She let out a small smile as she noticed there was no Serena Tsukino among the groups. Suddenly a lone figure appeared on the steps that lead down to the room. A hush fell over the room as each eye was drawn to her. Elizabeth let out a cry of disgust. Charity girl had managed to get all the guys in the room to watch her every move. Serena stepped gracefully down the steps the train of her flowing white dress flowed delicately behind her. Around her neck was a very beautiful and expensive looking choker of gold and diamonds. On her head sat a delicate crown of gold. From the lobs of her ears were diamond earrings. As she walked there was a feeling of quiet yet powerful dignity.

Derek cleared his throat and went to meet her. "You look lovely tonight. Want to dance?" he asked. She shook her head and continued down the stairs leaving a very surprised Derek.

"Where'd you steal that dress from Charity girl?" yelled out Elizabeth breaking the silence. Serena did not answer but turned to look at Elizabeth with cold dignity. Elizabeth gasped softly and broke away from her stare unable to even meet the chilling blue eyes. A young man with dark black hair approached her. He was dressed in a dark blue tunic embroidered with gold. At his side was a jeweled sword.

He gave a courtly bow and brought her hand to his lips. "My lady, will you give me the privilege of a dance?" asked the young man.

"Yes," she answered quietly. A path was cleared for them as he led her out on the dance floor. The crowd looked on in amazement as both danced in each other's arms. There were claps and cheers as the song ended. Before being hounded by many young men who were waiting to ask for a dance, the young man lead Serena out on the balcony.

"I've missed you," said the young man quietly. "I've waited so long," she answered gazing up into his eyes. From out of no where he pulled out a delicate star necklace. He gently slipped it around her neck. She looked down at it and fingered it gently. She looked up at him with tears in her eyes.

"I love you," he said quietly wiping the tears gently from her eyes. He pulled her closer gently and kissed you. There was a soft flash of light. The kiss became more intense. The couple pulled away and looked at each other in surprise. Both of them started talking at once:

"Endy your alive!" "Serenity your alive!"

"My name's not Endy," "I name's not Serenity!"

"Who are you?" "Who are you?"

"I am Serena," "I am Darien," Then the both of them looked at each other and started laughing.

"I am sorry," apologized Serena.

"What for?" asked Darien with a smile.

"For kissing you," said Serena blushing.

"Oh don't apologize. I liked it," said Darien laughing as Serena became redder.

"If there is any one to apologize I fear it must be us," said a female voice. Darien and Serena turned to see an exact double of themselves.

"Endy, what happened? Is this Serenity?" asked Serena knowing full well that it was.

"Serena, I am sorry frightened you earlier. I needed you so I merged with you. Ghosts can do that but usually choose not to do so. It is very tiring," said Serenity.

"I did the same with Darien here. Serena what I lied earlier about not caring for you," said Endy with concern. "I know," said Serena giving him a weak smile.

"What's wrong, Derek? That guy got your date," cooed Elizabeth wickedly.

Derek turned angrily from the 4 girls that he had been flirting with, "She's none of my concern anymore. I wish I could give him the thrashing he deserves," said Derek as he slammed his fist against his hand.

"Maybe you should show him what's what. You know, she made a fool out of you," jibbed Elizabeth enjoying the angry look on Derek's face.

"It is almost time to go, Endymion," Serenity said gently as she squeezed his arm.

"Are you leaving?" asked Serena with concern. "There is no reason for me to stay. Don't cry. I hate when you cry," said Endymion as he wiped away a single tear gently from her eyes.

"I am going to miss you," said Serena as she hugged Endymion. "I'll miss you too. But I can't stay. Besides you belong with him now," said Endy as he nodded toward Darien. "Serenity, what happened to you?" asked Serena. "Diamond locked me up in the room that you found the night he murdered Endy. He even showed me the dagger that he did it with. I started screaming and told him that I would tell his father. He said he would kill me if I did. And he kept that promise. The night before the wedding he smothered me with a pillow and I didn't even know it. Since then I've been trying to find Endymion but I couldn't. My spirit was trapped in this star locket, the symbol of our love. To make a very long story short, I've been forced to roam Kingston Hall until I persuaded Darien to take the locket here so I might have a chance to find Endymion," said Serenity. "Time has a funny way of keeping two souls apart but maybe we just needed the both of you to get reunited," said Endy. "TIME! That's it!" yelled Serena. The other 3 looked at her oddly. "I know where my Grandfather's treasure is!" yelled Serena.

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To be continued...

Short I know but it was all I could get written this week. And I am not a slacker but I have a very busy life. So tell me how you like it.