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Chapter One
The Portait

Notes: All right. Here's another one. There are no scouts in this fan fic. This is a kind of short chapter but hope you enjoy. E-mail me and tell me what you think. Short notes, I know. But I never really like writing notes 'cause I am sure most people don't even bother to read them. Well Enjoy.

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Serena frantically rushed into the room and closed the door behind her. Any minute they would find her. Serena leaned against a wall to calm her pounding heart and waited to catch her breath. The room was dark and musty. The only light came from a slit between two heavy window drapes. Serena walked silently toward the window and pulled the drapes aside to allow the sunlight to wash over the room. This was not done without a ton of dust being omitted from the drapes. She looked around her. The room was covered with bookshelves revealing leather bound books almost to the ceiling. A rickety looking ladder was resting against one of the bookshelves. A few chairs and tables of dark mahogany were scattered around the room. A rich oriental rug covered the polished wooden floor. At one wall was a huge fireplace. Above the fireplace was a painting. The painting was off a young man.

'Odd,' Serena thought, 'why would a picture of a man be doing in an all girls boarding school?' Piecing blue eyes stared out at her. She looked directly into them only to have a shiver run up her spine. Serena scolded herself. Whoever heard of being afraid of a painting. The young man had silky dark black hair. His mouth was set in a straight line as if trying not to reveal any of his emotions. But his eyes gave him away. In his eyes were pain and fear. There was a slight hint of anger. He held a stormy countenance. He was dressed in a dark blue tunic. A black cape adorned his shoulders. In his right hand he held a jeweled sword. Serena walked slowly toward the painting and slowly reached out and touched it. She ran her fingers lightly over the face never taking her eyes off his.

"What were you thinking?" she asked as she pulled away her hand.

"So here's were you've been hiding, Charity girl," laughed an older girl as she stood in the doorway. Serena winced at the name.

"Go find someone else to torment," said Serena as she pressed herself against the fire place.

"Why should I, Charity girl?" asked Elizabeth, the leader.

"Because I said so, that's why," came a voice.

"Why you little..." started Elizabeth. She grabbed a bunch of Serena's blonde hair and dragged her toward the door by her hair.

"Let me go!" yelped Serena fighting back the tears. The door slammed shut suddenly as Elizabeth got to it. "What the..." she started. She grabbed the doorknob and twisted. The door opened. Serena felt another shiver run up her spine.

"...for directly disobeying a perfect and now you are lying about it! For that Miss. Tsukino, you will receive 2 demerits and kitchen duty for a week," rang the head mistress's verdict on the whole matter. Elizabeth meanwhile was smiling smugly at the whole thing. Kitchen Duty. Serena hated kitchen duty. It meant scrubbing a lot of pots and cleaning up after everyone had finished eating. Serena sighed as she flopped down on the bed. She had only been at Bankstone Academy for a week and she had already made enemies with the main perfect, Elizabeth Brown. Serena hated most perfects more than she did kitchen duty. Most perfects were stuck up snobs with the power to order the younger classmen around. Serena had been Elizabeth's main target when she came to school the first day. Serena had stood out with her ripped jeans, clean white shirt, baggy unbuttoned plaid over shirt and dingy untied sneakers. Her mom had hit on some hard times and hadn't the money to get Serena new clothes. Serena rolled over on her stomach and stared at the bright silvery moon the shone through the window. She couldn't manage to get the picture out of her head. Especially his eyes.

"I am sorry, it seems I have cause more trouble," came a voice. Serena turned slowly. She raised her hand to her mouth to stifle a scream.

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To be continued...