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Chapter Eighteen

Disclaimers: Don't sue and don't copy!

AN. Wait! Do you smell that? Smells like romance to me!! *Giggle*

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"Rain, rain, go away. Don't come back to bother me another day."

"Would you give it a rest. The clouds aren't going to remove themselves just for your sole enjoyment."

"Why not?" Serena pouted. This was the third day in a row that the clouds had been dripping and she was really tired of it. "After all this is March! We should still have snow."

Darien finally turned away from the computer to look at her standing in front of the window. "We had our one good snow for the year remember? That's all we normally get."

"I don't care," she grumbled, "I don't like rain."

He looked past her and out the window. "I've always liked rain. It's my favorite form of precipitation."

She turned to give him an un-amused look. "Only a some psychotic manic depressant like you would like rain."

He smiled at her. "I really do think I'm expanding your vocabulary."

"Yes, I am spending entirely too much time around you." She turned back to the window in time to spot a bolt of lightning making it's way across the sky. She shivered involuntarily. "Do you think we're in for a storm?"

"I don't know. But maybe you should curl up under your desk for the rest of the day just in case."

He chuckled at his own joke and turned back to work. She regarded his back with a very cruel look. "The only thing I should be hiding from is you," she said haughtily.

He laughed at her without turning around. "You can insult me all you like but I'm not the one that wanted to go in so badly when that storm came up last week."

She frowned at him. Their usual Friday tradition had gotten rained on last week too and when the clouds started flashing she was in near panic from being stuck outside in the park. "So. I don't like the idea of being hit by lightning. Electrocution would have to be a horrible way to go."

"Yeah, just hope you never get a death sentence."

She crossed her arms and leaned back against the glass. "Why would I ever get a death sentence?"

He shrugged still not turning towards her. "I consider you a plague to humanity."

"I'll give you a death sentence!" She took two steps and swatted at him. Laughing he dodged away from her.

She finally stood there extremely agitated with him. "Sorry," he managed to mumble holding up both hands in a manner of surrender.

She humphed and began to walk back to the window. Then she faked back and landed a light backhand across his jaw. He squeaked in surprise at the move he wasn't expecting and she laughed evilly. "I warn you not to underestimate me."

He looked at her a bit shocked and then recovered himself. "And I warn you not to try that again."

Dead serious, not a good look to trifle with she knew. But then again… She smiled daringly at him and got the same type of challenge back from him. She then shrugged and walked back to the window. "I still don't like rain."

"I've noticed," he mumbled going back to his calculations. She watched him closely from the corner of her eye trying to judge how that sixth sense of his worked. But another bolt of lightning distracted her concentration. She turned fully to look out at the approaching storm. The rain had increased and was now coming down in a normal shower instead of the light sweat it had been in for days.

"I really don't like storms," she muttered very quietly.

"Chill out Serena. We've only got two hours left of work and then you can go home and hide in your covers."

Did that man have super delicate hearing or what? "Do you have any idea how much I hate you?"

He turned to her curious. "No, how much?"

"Enough to have three different books on mid-evil torture sitting on my coffee table."

He smiled, "Well, at least I got you to read a book."

"Not really. I just look at the pictures and find the ones that look the most painful."

"Nice to know you want the best for me," he said wistfully.

She smiled wickedly, "True. Now do you want to be buried or cremated?"

"Why, are you going to pay for my funeral too?"

"No. I just want to know whether or not to leave anything left of your body."

He chuckled in spite of the topic of their conversation. "One of these days you really are going to try to kill me aren't you?"

She giggled and walked over to him. "No, Muffin, I couldn't kill you. What would I do without you? I'd be totally bored. And besides, who would I have to beat up on?" she asked quickly reaching over to punch him in the arm playfully.

And she got caught.

"How does someone your age keep up those reflexes?" she asked indicating the hold he now had on her hand.

"My age?" he asked looking at her like she'd just killed his favorite houseplant.

She giggled at him. "Well, most guys hit their primes in their teens. I mean you're like way past that." His look sharpened and the normal gleam cut out of his eyes. And she knew she was in trouble.

"Well now," he mumbled, swiftly wrapping an arm around her waist and using the hand he already had on hers to spin her around and pull her off her feet. "I think I'll have to teach you a little respect for your elders."

She turned to regard him, eye to eye, and realized that she was sitting on his lap.

She looked at him wide eyed not exactly knowing how she'd gotten there. But his eyes looking back at her lightened with amusement and a twinkle danced as he laughed at her expense.

"You enjoy doing that to me don't you?" she asked very aggravated with him.

He continued to laugh, "Yes. You should see your face."

At this point in time she wished her face reflected nothing but anger! "Yeah, yeah, just keep laughing," she grumbled trying to get up. When he didn't let her go she glared back at him. "Let go!"

He continued to laugh lightly with a crooked smile locked in place. "No."

"Darien," she growled very softly, "Let go of me."

Not even a blink. "No."

She glared at him and tried again to get out of his grasp but with him still holding one wrist and an arm wrapped around her waist she couldn't move. The only response to her attempts was a tightening of his arm around her. "Darien, I am not going to ask you again," she said slowly. Her blood was beginning to boil, and it wasn't just from anger.

"That's good to know," he said perfectly happy with the situation. She was about to protest farther when she felt the hand that he had around hers move slightly. His thumb traced absently across her palm and down her wrist slowly and then began its trip back up again.

And with such an insignificant touch she felt all of her anger leave her. She looked back at him awestruck by what a simple touch could do to her. He looked back a bit confused by the apparent switch in emotions. "How do you do that?" she asked not really thinking through what she was asking.

He watched her curiously, "Do what?"

Her mind finally caught up with her. "Nothing," she said hurriedly, but she knew he didn't believe her. "I just can't stay mad at you, you know that?" she said instead.

He smiled at her but confusion still lingered in his eyes. "I guess you just can't resist me," he said affectionately.

Silently she had to agree with him. And knowing that she moved to hug him with her free hand and he released his hold on her other arm. Hugging him check to check without the familiar height difference that usually let her curl up next to his chest seemed strange. But it wasn't nearly as odd as the feelings she was getting.

She stayed there very aware of how close he was and the way he held her. She was also extremely aware of the fact that the slightest touches from him could do things to her that she'd never known before. And she had to admit, she was afraid.

They had started being increasingly cozy with each other and she would be lying if she said she hadn't thought of where this might be going. Or to what end it might lead. But she trusted him with everything in her life, and now she had begun to wonder if she felt she could trust him with her heart.

Her stomach tied itself in knots over the thought and she quickly pushed herself back from him. Just for the slightest second she thought she could see the same emotions reflected in his eyes but she could have been deceiving herself.


They both turned to the window at the same time, startled by the loud crash of thunder outside. She involuntarily clutched onto his shirt with one hand frightened anew by the approaching storm. He looked back at her a bit concerned. "It's just an early spring storm Meatball Head. It's nothing to be afraid of."

"I know." She turned away from him but she made no move to leave his protective care.

"But you still are," he mumbled to her, and she thought she could detect a slight laughter in his voice.

She looked at him sourly. "You're always so unsympathetic to me."

He chuckled, "Sorry. I just don't see why you're so frightened by them."

She sighed and put all of her earlier thoughts out of her mind. First and foremost Darien was one of her dearest friends and confidants. "I don't know. Just one of those childhood things that I never grew out of I guess."

He looked at her sideways since she had dropped her eyes to look at the floor. "Are you sure that's all it is? I mean things like this usually come out of some childhood trauma. And believe me, I know how terrified you get sometimes."

Yes, he knew all right. And she hated that he knew.

"Really I don't think it's anything like that Darien. I've just been scared of them as long as I can remember and I've never gotten over it. Although I'm getting better," she added to lighten the mood.

He smiled at her. "If this is better I would have hated to have known you as a child."

She pouted at him angry at the comment. He saw the look and brought up a hand to caress her check. "Sorry. This just isn't your day is it?"

"No," she mumbled fighting dizziness "you're mean."

He smiled and she couldn't be sure if it was because of what she said or that he knew what he was doing to her. And enjoying it! "I know, but you're just so cute when you're mad at me."

"What a great thing to base a relationship on."

"Hey, it's worked so far."

"Yeah, I haven't managed to find a way to make you pay for it yet."

He chuckled, "I know, I'm just trying to get in as many as possible."

"I think you've gotten in plenty."

"Well it isn't exactly like you haven't made a few good come backs in the years that I've known you."

She smiled contentedly, "Just a few?"

He shrugged. "I don't really remember them all that well."

"Yes, you have such a bad memory."

He raised an eyebrow, "And which one of us was said to have the memory of an ameba?"

She paused to think, "Um… you?" she asked innocently.


She reached up to scratch her head thoughtfully. "Wait, give me a minute. I know this one."

He laughed at her, "How did I ever get you though school like this?"

"Oh, I think you had a little help," she said pointedly.

"I suppose. After all what do teachers get paid for anyway?" he mused.

"Tormenting students," she said seriously as she scooted back to lay her head on his shoulder.

"Somehow I think you did a pretty good job of tormenting them back."

"Me? Torment someone? Never!"

He snorted, "Right."

She giggled at him and closed her eyes peacefully. This was so much more like what she was use to. "When have I ever tormented you."

There was a slight pause. "More than you know," he answered quietly.

She slowly opened her eyes not understanding his words. Why would she…

"Of course, just the fact that you always get me completely sidetracked from the work I'm suppose to be doing is enough of a torment!"

It was a cover up and she knew it. But he was right. They should be doing some actual work instead of bating arguments out of each other.


She squeaked as the thunder bolt hit and clutched onto Darien a little tighter yet as the lights blinked. But he seemed to have something else to worry about. With a moan he collapsed his head onto her shoulder. "No!" he sobbed.

She couldn't figure out what was wrong until she turned half way to look behind her at his computer, which was now rebooting itself. Serena looked back at him, groaning pitifully into her shoulder. "You didn't save it did you?"

He picked his head up to look at her warily. And promptly kicked her off of his lap.

"Oh!" she squealed. With one arm he managed to steady her until she found her balance again and prevented her from sprawling out on the floor in front of her.

He hopped up behind her and paced a tender hand on her hip. "Hold that thought," he whispered in her ear.

Her thought at the time was to wring his miserable throat. But with those words whispered to her she lost all thoughts save one. "Where are you going?"

He removed his hands from her hips and walked towards the door. "To find out what's going on out there." He motioned back towards the window as he stepped out the door.

She didn't like being left alone, especially after being wrapped up with him like that, but she turned back to the window and looked out. The clouds had turned the sky a deep blue and silver lightning played through them carelessly. Such a dark blue…

She glanced back at the door wondering how long he would take. Granted he was being a pain today, but he was also her best protection. And right now she missed him.

Serena hugged herself feeling empty without him. She shook her head trying to clear out those kinds of thoughts. This was Darien! Sure she cared about him, but she shouldn't be swooning when he held her and she shouldn't be feeling so lost when he left her for a few lousy minutes.

But she did.

She stood staring out at the storm and not seeing any of it. Why was she feeling like this? If it was more than just her caring for him why didn't she see it? And why was she… why was she so afraid of the prospect of it being more than that? They had always been friends. Good friends. But now, maybe there was a chance that they could be more than that. Maybe they could even…

No! She liked where they were. She liked their relationship. It was familiar to her. If she fell… fell in love with him then everything would change! Change. There had been too much of it in her life recently and she didn't know if she could take anymore of it.

But let's face it, it had already changed. With that little episode at the conference in America it had changed. Maybe even before that. Maybe even before her accident. It could have happened any time. But it did and now she had to realize that they weren't the same as they had been.

Now she had to decide what she intended to do.

But she didn't want it to change, didn't want to risk what they already had; but her heart wasn't about to see reason in this matter. Something just frightened her about starting a deep relationship with him even though… even though she knew she couldn't fight it. And she could feel her heart winning even now.

What would it be like to be in love with him? He was always fiercely devoted to those he cared about. She had enjoyed that for years. But if he was truly in love with someone how much more would he care for them? If he truly loved her he would be complete devoted to her. He'd never leave her, she knew that, and he would always keep her close. He would be afraid of loosing her… even more than he was now. If he loved her…

She closed her eyes savoring that image. She would be lying if she didn't say that she thought of his heart as a prize only to be given to one person in his life. Could it be possible to capture that?

…Had she?

The extra amount of affection that he'd shown her lately startled her now and then, but in all truth she welcomed it. If just the smallest touch or word from him could do these things to her…

No. This was too much too fast. And she had no way of knowing what he felt short of asking him. And she didn't think she could do that. She had thought about it at the conference but couldn't put it to words then. Maybe just this once she would keep something from him, and just see where it led her.

…Then why was she still scared?

Another bolt sliced past the window and she jumped in spite of herself. *Darien!*

"Oh you're going to love this," he said entering the office behind her like he had heard her mental plea.

She turned to regard him as another bolt flashed. "What?"

He moved over to stand next to her in front of the window. "Looks like we're in for some serious weather. This storm's just getting started."

"Started?" She looked back out the window to the evil clouds that were still building. "Are you sure we're safe up here? I mean that lightning looks totally wicked." She hugged herself tighter as she watched the clouds flicker and flash as white bolts traced their surfaces.

Darien chuckled beside her. "Yes Meatball Head, we're safe enough in here."

A bolt sizzled its way through the air outside as if denying his words. The thunder struck only seconds afterward. She jumped again growing more frightened by the minute. "Ya-ya-you're sure a-about that?" she asked teeth chattering.

He laughed openly at her as he wrapped his arms over her shoulders. "Calm down, everything will be just fine."


They both jumped as the lights cut out leaving them in the dark twilight of the storm. Serena slowly turned her wide, frightened eyes up to Darien who was staring out the window. "Of course… I could be wrong," he mumbled not turning to her.

A bolt flashed over top of them illuminating them for a second before the thunder rolled into them pushing the darkness back in. Serena's composure didn't last any longer than that. She turned around and flung herself into his arms hoping for safety. She felt his strong arms wrap around her protectively.

"It's all right Serena. I won't let anything happen to you. You know that." There was a slight amusement in his voice as he placed his chin in her hair. She snuggled into him closing her eyes against the lightning. Somehow this all seemed much too familiar.

"Serena?" She raised her head to look at him registering the note of concern. She nodded silently to reassure him. She also noticed that the emergency lights had come on out in the hallway but everything else remained dark.

He apparently read her thoughts. "The city power grid up here probably got knocked out. The generators have kicked in." She nodded absently trying her best not to listen to the loud crashes coming from outside. "Serena, are you OK?"

She looked back at him catching the look in his eyes slightly because of the nearly nonexistent lighting. "I-I'm OK," she whispered as another bolt shot through the air.

"Well, look at it his way," he said tilting her chin up with one hand, "We can't do any work with the power out."

Despite everything she laughed at him. He laughed a moment too before leaning forward to peck a kiss on her forehead. A bit startled she looked up to meet his eyes. She cursed the darkness in the room that wouldn't let her see him clearly. But through the flickers of lightning she could see him gazing back at her. It was only then that she noticed a hotness to her checks. She was blushing!

*Over a little kiss on the forehead? Come on Serena, he's done a lot more than that to make you blush…*

Her thoughts cut themselves off as she remembered back to their encounter at the conference. The same emotions clouded up in her heart again as she stared into his eyes illuminated by the strobe effect flashes. Those same warm blue eyes…

She saw them flicker quickly from her eyes down and then back to them. She hadn't noticed how close they were or the gentle hand he still held under her chin that was easing her face up towards him.

She saw him again glance down from her eyes to her… lips? With that slight realization dawning in her cloudy mind she involuntarily looked down to his lips as well. So close it seemed in the lightning lit room.

She looked back to his eyes to see him do the same as he closed the last of the gap between them. Her mind barely registered as he turned slightly and finally lost eye contact. But it couldn't help but notice the soft brush of his lips against her.

She slowly let her eyes flutter shut as he touched her again, lingering longer this time. Gently he caught her lips again deepening his kiss little by little.

She felt his hand that had been resting on her check trace down her neck and then drop down to wrap itself around her waist. Slowly he pulled her closer and without thought she slid her arms around his neck. He pressed her close and tilted her back slightly as he leaned over her.

Slowly he released her lips enough to reposition as he slipped a hand up her back to keep her close. But she had no thoughts of moving away from him. Very few thoughts existed in her foggy mind at all and they were still in the process of figuring out what was happening to her.

He pressed his lips back to hers with an innate gentleness that was beginning to give way to an increased passion… And her entire world shattered.

His touch chased out every thought from her mind and opened her heart like a floodgate. Emotions she didn't know existed washed over her. She was in no position to stop the deluge and her heart laughed at the prospect of ever trying. She wasn't about to stop this.

Every other sense fled from her. Her entire being was transfixed with HIM.

Neither paid any mind to the storm outside. The storm between them had taken over completely. Neither noticed anything but the other. And neither noticed the older woman who had unsuspectingly entered through the open door carrying a flashlight. And neither noticed when she slipped back out just as quickly.

Darien cared about nothing else but HER. His heart was racing in his chest and his knees were threatening to give out. But all he was concerned with was the sweet little pair of lips he was smothering.

He again pressed her closer wanting to make her stay with him this way forever. To hold her so close and never have to part from her lips' company.

He felt her tighten her hold on him as if she could read his heart's desires. One arm wrapped around and down to his opposite shoulder blade to press him closer. Her other hand stayed at his neck to keep him from leaning away form her.

But he wasn't about to let go.

He was pouring out every emotion and every passion he had ever felt for her. And a few others he didn't know existed before.

His ragged breathing and a sharp crack of thunder finally stopped them. Momentarily startled they both turned towards the window. Darien was the first to recover looking back to her still locked tightly in his arms. She turned to regard him as well.

Staring down into her eyes again he realized that for the first time in his life he was throwing caution away and completely falling for this woman. His heart was the only voice he heard and he knew he would have died for one more kiss from her.

And she… let go of him.

His heart completely rebelled as she slid out of his grasp. Every fiber of his being wanted to grab onto her again and not let go. But the fact that she was willingly walking away from him killed that notion before he could use it.

His rational mind screamed curses at his stupidity. What did he think he was doing?! This was Serena! Meatball Head! The one girl in the world that…

What had he done?

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@}->-- "Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile." -Franklin P. Jones.