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Chapter Two

Disclaimers: Don't sue and don't copy!

AN: Happy events are the ones that stick in our minds, even if tears still come. Everyone needs a good cry now and then. And we need someone to wipe those tears away too…

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Darien sat on what had to be the hardest excuse for a chair that he had ever had the displeasure of using. With a graduating class of 12,872 his ceremony last week hadn't lasted this long. Andrew sat on his left side yawning and trying his best to keep from nodding off. His fiancée Rita sat next to him and kept jabbing him in the side with each yawn.

Rei Hino, one of Serena's friends sat on the other side of him. Since she attended a private school across town she came to watch their graduation before attending her own later in the afternoon. But at the rate this was going, she wasn't going to make it. She was constantly looking at her watch to check the time. Knowing her usual temperament, Darien was surprised she hadn't walked up to the school principal and throttled the man to death yet.

Beside Rei sat her friend, and as Serena put it 'unconfirmed boyfriend,' Chad. It was kind of hard to tell whether he was awake or not. Underneath the bush of brown hair Darien figured he was probably already asleep.

Most of the special awards had already been presented. He was happy to note that Ami had received Valedictorian, and her boyfriend Greg and come up with Salutatorian. Somehow he wondered just how long the poor teachers had to crunch numbers in order to get a winner between those two.

They had finally begun the long recitation of the names as the diplomas were handed out. After each student came forward there was a general clapping from the audience. It was rather comical to watch as each student walked forward. Darien could pick out which parents and group of friends belonged to each student. There was the general louder clapping from the parents and the occasional whistles from the friends.

Darien realized that Serena and her friends would have been the only ones in the audience that had done the same for him. With both of his parents dead, the few close friends he had were the only ones there for him. Not to mention that most of those friends, like Andrew, had been on that stage with him.

*Wait! That was a 'T' name! Serena's up soon!*

"Jocella Tebae." Clap, clap, clap…

"Serena Tsukino."

"Whaahoo!!" Darien and Andrew jumped up at the same time. Rita and Rei clapped excitedly as they had for their other friends, but remained seated. Chad woke up.

But the two couldn't help themselves. This was Serena! Meatball Head! The one person in the whole world that no one had ever thought would graduate! At least not on time anyway. This was the girl that they had spent so much time with. Helping her through tough subjects and re-explaining Algebra problems. The girl that couldn't remember the difference between oxygen and salt, but could memorize a Sailor V video game in two rounds.

*My little Meatball Head finally did it!*

Serena walked calmly to the front and took the blue book in her hand with a huge smile across her face. As the she turned to take her place with the others she took a look back to the two young men standing in the back row clapping wildly. She laughed as she took her place in the line-up.

*Hey, she didn't even trip up the stairs! Maybe there's hope for you yet!*

Once the final names had been called and the last congratulations had been given, the class filed down the steps to the waiting audience. Darien, Andrew and Rita hung back in order not to be trampled by the departing crowd. Rei and Chad were the first ones out the door in order to get her to her own school in time to prepare.

Parents finally began to leave the building so that the class could take their final pictures and leave. Still bunched in a group, Serena, Mina, Lita, Ami and Greg came running for the three older students in the back. Hugs and congratulations were exchanged quickly as the photographer's camera equipment was set up.

"I have to say I'm proud of you, Meatball Head," Darien said when she hopped up to throw her arms around his neck.

"I have to say I'm proud of me too," she giggled. "But you owe me ten bucks!"

"I what?" he said confused.

"You bet me two years ago during that Algebra II fiasco that I would never graduate. So pay up!"

Darien laughed and smiled down at her. "I always said you had a good memory if you just used it."

"No, you said I had the memory of an ameba."

"I never said that," Darien cringed. He had been trying so hard to not get the two of them into another argument, but the past was the past. "Well, I say now that you have a good memory."

"Yeah well, I'm using it now! I want my money!" She pouted at him until he nodded. "Good. Now, you're going to Rei's graduation too right?"

"Only if someone promises that it won't be this long!"

"I know, Mr. Deetson got a little long winded."

"Long winded! The man was going to put himself to sleep!"

She giggled and then noticed Mina tugging on her gown. "Come on Serena, picture time!"

"OK." She turned back to Darien. "We'll meet you guys at Rei's school in a half an hour! Byeeeeeee!"

Darien watched her sprint up to the stage again then shooed Andrew and Rita towards the door. "What's the hurry," Andrew asked, "we've got a half and hour."

"I need to pick up something."

"For what?"

"A bet I lost."

Rei's graduation was much shorter. Darien wondered idly if Rei's speaker had been at the other ceremony too. As her senior class president Rei wrote and presented a lovely poem to the audience as her farewell to the class and school. Serena sat beside him sniffling quietly. She had gone through a whole box of tissues during her own and now she was trying it again.

When Rei's name was called Serena, Mina and Lita stood up and whistled. Chad and Rei's grandfather also stood up and cheered. Darien could see the hot blush rise to Rei's cheeks when she looked back to see the commotion. Something told him they were in for one of her temper tantrums when she got them out of public view.

Afterwards the group waited for Rei outside talking about future plans and the summer ahead. Darien quietly managed to drag Serena out of the center of attention back towards the cars. "Where are we going?" she asked looking back over her shoulder.

"I have something for you."

"A present! Really! Oh, Darien, what is it? You didn't have to get me anything. After all, I didn't get you anything. Oh, now I feel bad."

He just laughed and continued towards the parking lot. "In all truth I wasn't going to get you anything either, but I just thought of it. It isn't much."

"Oh, what is it? You know I can't stand not knowing. Come on, tell me!!"

"You'll see."

She pouted for a minute and then grabbed hold of his arm and started a jog towards his car. "Well hurry up then. The suspense is killing me!!"

Once they reached his car he made Serena close her eyes and wait until he got it out. He painstakingly made sure he took his time unlocking the door and retrieving the item.

"You're doing this to me on purpose, aren't you?" she asked.

"Doing what," he said innocently.

"Being so SLOW! If you don't hurry up I'm going to go find it myself!!"

"All right, all right. Don't get your blood pressure up." He stood beside her and held the object just in front of her closed lashes. "Here."

Serena stood impatiently waiting to open her eyes. She couldn't believe that Darien would get her a gift. But he always was incredibly sweet. *Wait a minute. Never in your life have you ever called Darien sweet!* *Well, I'm calling him sweet now OK!* *I'm arguing with myself! Darien how do you always manage to do this to me?!*

"Here," he finally said.

She popped her eyes open and her mouth dropped open a split second later. Before her eyes was a beautiful white rose. Nothing fancy, just a single long stem rose captured in its own private beauty. A small water vase was placed on the end in order to keep it from drying out.

Its perfect white blossom reminded her of simple elegance. White; that was the color of friendship. Slowly she took the flower in her own hands and felt its soft petals. It was exactly the type of gift she would expect from Darien. Something simple, but beautiful and with a special meaning behind it.

Tears gathered themselves in her eyes for the hundredth time today. That was when she noticed it. Tied carefully to the step of the rose with a gold ribbon was a ten-dollar bill. He had been good for that bet after all!

She burst out laughing when she saw it. The tears taking that chance to spring forward. She turned to him laughing and crying at the same time. "Thank you!" was all she could say. She hopped up on her toes and threw her arms around his neck.

He chuckled into her hair and hugged her back. "If I'd known you were going to go all mushy on me I would have just given you the money."

"I'm sorry," she sniffed. "I can't help it. It's beautiful. Thank you Darien. Thank you for everything…" She trailed off as more tears spilled over.

He noticed the change in emotions and held her a little tighter. "Come on, Serena. This is suppose to be one of the happiest days of your life. What in the world are you crying for?" He picked her chin up and forced her to look at him. "You've graduated. On time even! And you have your whole life to regret ever having to leave high school. So stop moping and lets see that smile of yours."

He began smudging the tears off her face and she couldn't help but smile. No mater what, he always knew how to get one out of her. "Thank you," she whispered again, meaning it whole-heartedly.

"Your welcome," was his only response.

Two boxes of tissues and counting. Serena had had a full month to restock on the tears before Andrew's wedding date. Andrew and Rita both looked radiant and unbelievably happy. They had stared into each other's eyes as Rita made her way down the aisle to his side. Before the wedding march began she thought Andrew was going to pass out in the front of the church he looked so nervous. She had seen Darien, who was of course his best man, lean over and whisper something in his ear. Andrew laughed and finally seemed to start breathing normally again.

Serena could just imagine what he had said. "Don't look so stiff, this is your wedding not your funeral." Yeah, that would be Darien all right, bad puns and all.

But she had to admit that she had never seen the two look as handsome as they did now. She barely heard a word as the vows were repeated and the rings exchanged. She noted that Rita began crying as well when she made her promise of love.

It all passed by much too quickly. Once it was over and the priest had named them man and wife the words "you may kiss the bride" were the only ones left to say. Andrew leaned forward and kissed her as tenderly as possible. The sight only brought more tears to her red-rimmed eyes. The whole thing was just too much for her little heart to take.

She tried desperately to control herself as the church burst into applause while the newly weds made there way down the aisle, followed closely by Darien and the maid of honor. It was all she could do to stare after them with a tissue still in hand.

Rei, who had been sitting beside her, tapped her on the shoulder and not so politely told her to get moving. She hadn't even noticed the others leaving the pew and heading for the reception line in the back of the church. After waiting for the throng of people to dissipate she managed to reach them.

"Congratulations," she mumbled as she hugged Rita. It was all she could say.

Rita laughed and quickly hugged her back. "Thank you Serena. I'm not sure I've ever been this happy!"

Serena laughed with her and moved over to Andrew. She didn't even manage to get out 'congratulations', but instead just burst into tears again and threw her arms around his neck. He laughed and hugged her back. "Come on Serena, it's not that bad is it?" he asked.

She shook her head and mumbled a "sorry" under her breath.

Still laughing he turned around and said, "Hey, Darien. I think Serena's have a nervous break down again."

"So what else is new," he said as he came up to them. She hadn't even noticed him standing there with the other members of the wedding party. He took her arm and steered out of the receiving line and back to a less populated area of the church. "So how many trees have you killed off today?" he asked noting the small package of Kleenexes still in her hands.

She laughed and tried again to push away the tears that kept coming. "I only killed one so far. I had them make these really thin," she said.

"Yeah, they don't look like they're working very well." He smudged away some of the watery scars from her face. "Come on, Serena, you're suppose to be happy. This is a wedding, not a funeral."

She couldn't help but laugh again at the silly joke, but as she did more of the rebellious tears leaked out. They didn't escape his notice. He gently pulled her into a hug and just let her cry a minute. "You know, you're the only person I know that never seems to run out of tears. I don't see how you keep from dehydrating yourself into a pretzel when you're upset."

She laughed and managed to look up at him. He again tried to wipe them away "Am I going to have to start feeding you crackers to get you to dry up here or what?"

She continued laughing and her tears subsided. "Well, how about some rice? We've got plenty of that lying around." He took a small bag that had been set out for the guess to take outside with them while they waited for the bride and groom. "Here, open up." He started pelting her with rice from the bag.

"Hey! Stop it. That hurts! Darien!!"

Still laughing hysterically, the two stumbled outside.

The reception and dinner had been perfect and Serena had even managed to keep herself from shortening the life span of another tree. And considering she was under Darien's threat of pouring salt down her throat if she started in again, that was a good thing. She couldn't help but laugh as Darien stood up and clanked a spoon to his glass. Of course that didn't do much good considering it was plastic along with everyone else's. Seeing that his attempts had very little success, he took Andrew's wineglass which had been set up specially for the couple. He received a much better response using that.

Serena knew what was coming. She had helping him write this speech last week.

He pulled a folded paper out of his jacket pocket, cleared his throat rather loudly, and began. "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury—err—distinguished guests. (General chuckling.) We are gathered here tonight to pay tribute to the love shared between this man and woman. If anyone else can come up with a better reason for us to be here, speak now or forever hold your peace. (General groaning.) We have come to see this perfect couple mark the beginning of their lives together. To watch this warm, open, loving man take—" He stops, looks down at the couple to his right and shuffles the papers in his hands. "Wait. Wrong wedding. (Laughter.) OK! Andrew and I have been friends since grade school so I think I can speak with some authority on how he is feeling at this moment. He is feeling like he has to be the luckiest man on Earth. And quite frankly I'll have to agree with him. (Smiles from Rita's family members.) He is feeling that he could never love someone else this much again in his life. And he is wondering how this beautiful, sweet woman beside him could possibly love him the same way. Again, I agree with him. How he ever ended up with Rita is beyond me. (Laughter.) So till death do they part. Or until that love potion he slipped her three years ago finally wears off. May they live happily ever after. Cheers!"

There was a chorus of 'cheers' around the room and the tinkling of plastic cups. Darien raised his glass in Serena's direction in a silent salute to her help. She smiled and did the same before Andrew, not so gently, hit him in the arm for it. She laughed at herself. It had taken them a full day to write that short little speech. A full day's worth of shared memories. None of which were deemed politically correct enough to include in the presentation but they made for some good laughs at their friend's expense.

Once the conversations had drawn to a close, the guesses were ushered into the ballroom of the rented dance hall. The music was already playing and the lights were slowly lowered as couples made their way onto the floor. Serena's group of friends slowly pealed off two at a time. Lita and her boyfriend Ken had been the first ones to take on the music. Greg had finally gotten the nerve, after a few painful kicks to the shin from Serena, to ask Ami to dance, which she shyly accepted. Chad had even managed to guild Rei out of the sitting area. That left only Mina and her to sit by and watch. And somehow she wasn't too sure how long that would last. Mina seemed to have an admirer that was sloooowwly making his way closer.

Serena finally gave up and told her to go start up a conversation with the guy standing awkwardly next to the railing beside them. Mina, not being the type to pass up any challenge in the love department, departed as well.

Sitting alone in the shadows she watched the happy couples spinning across the floor. The colored lights reflected happy faces and loving gazes. She noticed Andrew and Rita locked in each other's arms near the front. Greg and Ami were off to one side talking quietly while they danced. Chad and Rei seemed to have run out of things to say and simply stayed comfortably close. Lita and Ken were near the center of the floor laughing and talking merrily. Even Mina and her new found interest seemed to be having a good time spinning around playfully.

It wasn't fair, why was she the only one that couldn't get a date if her life depended on it? Didn't her senior prom go the same way? She could even see Darien dancing with Rita's maid of honor. One of those ceremonial things she assumed. He had told her before that he had only met her a few times. Apparently she had been Rita's roommate in college and best friend for years.

*Well, no one left but me,* she thought. She didn't bother to ask any one else to dance. And she didn't look around enough to notice the two devotees staring at her from opposite corners of the hall.

She didn't notice. But Darien did.

From the middle of the dance floor it was a lot easier to spot them. And there weren't just two. He chuckled as he noticed that nearly every man in the room held a mystified, overwhelmed or just plain awestruck expression whenever their eyes caught hold of her. Although, no one seemed to have the courage to approach the lovely figure sitting alone and half-hidden in the shadows.

His poor little Meatball Head seemed so lost with out her friends surrounding her. Once the dance was over he excused himself from—crumbs, what was her name again? He'd been forgetting it all night. Oh well, he'd ask later.

He took a quick glance over the crowd. Yep, same two still staring. Then there was a husband and father of two just getting a slap upside the head by one perturbed wife. Girlfriend across the room still couldn't figure out what 'honey-muffin' was staring at. Group of three (dateless) guys that had just entered kept elbowing each other. And one little princess that didn't notice any of it.

*And she wondered why no one had the guts to ask her to prom.* He quickly slipped over to the sitting area along the sides of the dance floor and came up behind her. He snagged a rose off of an unoccupied table. Granted it was fake and just part of the decorations, but the white silk petals looked good enough.

He slowly walked up behind her, and leaning over, holding the blossom in front of her. She jumped as it invaded her thoughts and spun around to find out who held it. Seeing Darien she gave him a sour look for scaring her. He smiled and again held the rose out to her. "May I have the honor of a dance with you, fair maiden?" he asked with a bow.

She laughed at him, and took the flower. Looking up at him sweetly she extending her hand. "I would be delighted, sir."

He pulled her to her feet and escorted her to the floor, making as big a production out of it as possible. He rather enjoyed all of the evil looks he was getting from half the room's occupants. Casually checking on her two most adamant admirers he suddenly became afraid of going out to the parking lot alone and unarmed.

He realized he had probably just killed Serena's chances of being picked up by Mr. Right tonight, but somehow, he kind of enjoyed this. So sue him if he didn't mind being seen with the one girl in the room that was trying to outshine the bride herself. Besides, he wanted background checks on those two other guys anyway.

He pulled her to a side of the floor where they could still make themselves heard over the music and crowd noise. She looked over at the destined couple and giggled. "I'm really happy for those two, you know."

"Yeah. I know." Darien wrapped his arms around her waist and she slipped hers easily around his neck. He immediately noticed at least a two inch height difference and looked down at her shoes. Sure enough he could just make out little white heels gracing her feet under the long dress.

She looked at him curiously. "What?" she asked.

"I thought you fell over every time you wore heels."

She giggled and poked him with the stem of the rose she still held in her hands. "That was years ago. I'm getting better at it now," she smiled. "And it's a good thing. I'm bound to be this short forever. I'm going to need some heels to keep up with people like you!"

It was true. Meatballs included she only managed to brush his chin. "I kind of like you short. You're easier to pick on when I'm bigger than you," he said gently. The last thing he wanted to do was start an argument with her again. Especially one like the last one, which it seemed was never far from his mind.

"Like you'll ever have that problem."

He was relieved that she didn't take that the wrong way. He had spent the last month on eggshells around her. He knew it was silly. Everything should have been just fine between them after their apologies, but he still had those nagging feelings that he had caused that outburst. He didn't want it to happen again.

They danced in silence a while just listening to the music and moving along. He looked down as she slipped one of her arms from his neck. She began to rearrange his boutonniere, which had decided to droop to one side. But with one hand she couldn't get it to stay put.

"Humph," she said to herself. She stopped and reached up with both hands to remove the pin that held it in place. "Here, hold this will you?" she asked mindlessly handing him her rose. He took it and she continued to fiddle with the flower.

"Just don't stab me with that thing OK," he said knowing just how clumsy she could be sometimes. OK, most of the time.

"Oh, a little blood never killed anyone," she mumbled while holding the pin in her mouth and trying to arrange the piece right.

"You've never seen 'Attach of the Killer Hat Pin' before have you?"

She laughed and finally pushed the pin back in and frowned at it until she was satisfied that it would stay put. "There, didn't hurt a bit did it?"

"No Dear," he murmured.

"Good." She reached up for his neck again as another song began.

"Well, one good turn deserves another," he said as an idea hit him. He took the little rose that he had given her earlier and placed it strategically in her hair beside one of her 'meatballs'. She giggled and he couldn't quite manage to weave it in beside the little butterfly barrettes she added to the style. "Stop wiggling," he said.


He finally got it to stay put and he was sure that it wouldn't fall out for anything short of an alien abduction. "There," he said encircling her again with both arms. "Now we both have our flowers fixed."

She giggled again at him and said thank you. The rose complimented her dress perfectly. She wore a long white tank dress. Satin, by the feel of it he decided. Large brocade roses covered the cloth in an intricate pattern. The high neckline made up for the low back and the sleeveless sides. A string of satin laced across her back like a shoestring. It tapered down to a little bow that sat at her high imperial waistline.

Even he had to admit he knew why so many of the men in the room were staring at her. "You will have to excuse me for saying so Princess, but you really do look beautiful tonight." She looked up at him for a minute as if he had suddenly sprouted another head. "What?"

"Nothing," she said becoming much more interested in his jacket buttons. He still managed to see a blush come to her checks.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to embarrass you." He realized that he may just be the only person to tell her that tonight. Well, the only male at least. Her friends would have already had a long discussion of how well the dress looked on her and where she'd gotten it.

"Oh, you didn't. I just—" She stopped and looked up at him perfectly serious. "I didn't think anyone would think so."

"You're joking, right?" But he knew she wasn't. He'd never thought of Serena as the type of person that needed to be told she was beautiful. Because she was. She was the rare find that you just naturally assume that they know how perfect they really are. But she was never one to overestimate herself in anything. Looks, school work, personality, anything. She had a lack of confidence in herself. He knew that, but she always made up for it by her undying confidence in her friends and the people she cared about. Why she always put herself on the bottom of the totem poll he would never know.

*Maybe because some jerk like you has always put her down there!* Again he cringed. It was true his teasing went overboard and he said a lot of things that he wished he could take back now, but had he really done this to her? Had he been the reason for this self-denial of hers?

He wished with all his might that at least this wasn't his fault. But even if it wasn't, he certainly hadn't made it any better. He looked down at the top of her head while she studied his shirt again. *I'm sorry.*

She gazed back up at him as if sensing his thoughts. Reading his emotions didn't seem to be that hard for her anymore. In a way he didn't mind, he didn't try to hide much from her anyway. "What's wrong?" she asked, a little worried expression on her face.

"Nothing, I was just thinking."

"Oh." She wasn't convinced. The two almost didn't notice the song ending as the music died away.

*Well, Dare, if you want to make it up to her you had better start now. Five years is a lot to say you're sorry for.*

*I wonder if he's noticed how many dirty looks I've been getting tonight from all the women in this place. I have to admit he looks incredibly cute in that tux. Was he born for that thing or what?!* His midnight black hair was perfectly accented and his smoky blue eyes took on an even darker mysterious tint against the black and white backdrop.

*That's my Darien, Mr. Mysterioso. Where are we going anyway?* "Darien, where are we going?"

"I don't know."

"Oh." *Lovely. What's he up to now?* A little voice in her head piped up, "He thinks you're beautiful and with all this talk of marriage he's decided that you're the only one he wants to spend the rest of his life with so he's running away with you! Hee, hee!!" *Whatever! Serena to brain; Shut Up!!!* Man, she really was losing it.

The two finally stepped into the dinning room where dinner had been served two hours before. The dishes and tables had been replaced earlier so the room stood dark and empty. "Uh, is there a reason we're here?" she asked.

"Well, it's not the fun house but it's quiet," he mumbled.

Serena would have laughed at him but something was wrong. This wasn't like Darien. He didn't just whisk you off to some secluded spot on a whim. *It is kind of romantic!* Whoa, did I just think that? This is Darien we're talking about. The man has the romantic sense of a dictionary. *How would you know?*

*I don't!! And I don't want to know!! It ain't going to happen!! Do You Hear Me!!*

Why did she only argue with herself when he was around? There has to be some scientific explanation for this. Maybe there's some chemical imbalance between them that causes a secondary malfunctioning of her brain. *That would explain a lot.*

"Earth to Serena! You in there space cadet?"

"Huh? Oh!" She jumped and giggled at herself for not paying attention to what Darien was doing. "Sorry. Spending a little quality time with my other half."

He gave her a funny look but didn't say anything. He seemed to be doing that a lot lately. In fact Serena couldn't remember the last time they had gotten themselves into a decent argument. It was always as if he just forgot all of his best comeback lines and didn't want to fight anymore.

Of course that should have been a good thing. In most relationships it would have been. But in theirs it was weird. The only reason they ever talked to each other when they first met was because of an argument that they had started. Eventually, mostly through Andrew, they had ended up actually talking to each other. They could even be civil together from time to time. But they had never stopped arguing. It was what they were good at.

But ever since… their real argument, he just hadn't been the same. He had changed. She hadn't really noticed it too much before now. But their conversations usually resulted in long pauses where a friendly argument should have been. But she had changed all of that hadn't she? He had told her again and again that there was nothing to apologize for, but something had changed and it was because of her.

The realization of just how big that change was just now sinking in. They hadn't argued. They hadn't even been together as much and normal. Of course maybe that was to be expected. School was over, and they both had real lives to lead now. They talked and laughed like they used to, but it wasn't the same. He always seemed to be walking a tight rope when he was with her. She couldn't talk to him like she had before.

And it scared her.

It was like he was slowly trying to weed her out of his life. Maybe he just didn't want to hurt her by telling her off. Better to just let nature take its course and leave it at that. No hurt feelings, no harsh words, no broken friendships. Nothing left.

No! She wasn't about to let that happen. Lets face it Darien was one of her best friends, the one that always understood her. How could she just look the other way while he slowly slipped away? No! I wasn't going to happen!

"Darien," she wheeled on him suddenly. He wasn't expecting a confrontation. He seemed like he was working up to something too. Well, two could play like this. "Listen, I know something is wrong and I think I have a pretty good idea what it is."

"You do?" he sounded confused.

"This is about our argument isn't it?"

He swallowed a lump in his throat and walked over to one of the room's large windows. "I'm sorry, Serena."

That wasn't the answer she wanted. "Sorry?" she repeated.

"Serena, I know what kind of jerk I've been to you all these years. And I'm sorry. There isn't anything I can do to make it up to you, but I need to tell you that I didn't mean it. Any of it." He wasn't looking at her, he just stared out at the parking lot below the window.

"If I could take it all back I would Serena, I truly would. But what I did I can't do over again. I've spent the last month thinking about the way I've treated you in the past. I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I guess it's just my nature to always play the role of the uncaring jerk. I'll probably never get out of that. But I can't hurt you again. I just can't… Whether or not I ever say this again… I care about you Serena. I guess I always have."

Silence was the only thing that answered his heartfelt plea. She just stood there absolutely dumb-founded. She couldn't even think, there was just too much to take in. Too many points that she wanted to argue with. Too many things that she knew weren't true. Too many…

"I care about you too, Darien." It wasn't over a whisper, but it was the only thing she could say. He finally turned to look at her, and looked straight into her eyes. In the dim light coming from the window she was sure he could see the tears forming in her eyes.

On impulse he walked back to her. "Can you? Can you still care about me?"

She could hardly believe his words. *How can he think that? How can he think for one minute that I don't? I've always cared for him. Just like I always knew he cared for me.* The tears that were threatening her before broke away now. "Of course I care. How could I not? Darien…"

Words failed her and she fell silent in front of him. Her eyes were still locked with his and she pleaded with him silently to believe her. To see just how truthful she was being. To see all the things that she couldn't put a voice to.

Gently he brought a hand to her check and brushed away the tears that dropped from her pleading eyes. She saw the light in his eyes change and knew that he understood. He wiped away her tears and looked back into her eyes as if for one last assurance. Every assurance that she possessed shone freely in her. A small smile graced his face as he looked down at her.

That was all she needed. She broke out into a heartfelt laugh and bounced up to throw her arms around him. Darien seemed a little taken off guard by the move, but recovered quickly. He wrapped his arms around her waist and picked her up into a giant bear hug. Just for good measure he spun her around a few times before placing her back on her feet again.

They both laughed at each other, but they didn't let go of the embrace. They weren't quite ready to be separated yet. Serena looked up at him, "I'm sorry too."

"For what?" he asked taken aback.

"For my part in all of this. You don't really think this all your fault do you?" No comment. "Well, don't. After all, you weren't arguing with yourself you know. There is nothing that you can be sorry for that I'm not guilty of too."

Darien was about to protest but he never got the chance. "No buts! I mean it Darien. I'm not going to let you go on thinking that you've been this horrible person to me all this time, which is completely untrue anyway because you've helped me a lot more often than you've hurt me—" Darien was seriously going to object there, but breathing room wasn't allowed. "—And I know I've hurt you more than once too. The fact is that we both have things that we wish were never said or done, but you're right, we can't change them now. So I've forgiven you and you've forgiven me, so the past is the past and it's going to stay that way… Right?" She really hoped she hadn't just undone everything they just did.

But to her relief he laughed. "How can I argue with that?"

Giggling, she hugged him tighter. "Any way you want to!"

- - -

@}->-- "A diamond is a chuck of coal that made good under pressure." -Unknown.