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The Homepage...duh!

YeS tHiS sItE cOnTaInS "bAd LaNgUaGe" ... BuT wHaT aRe YoU gOnNa Do AbOuT iT ?
No-OnE eLsE gIvEs A fUcK...

Files for Friends Fun Stuff Links

! Awesome Pages !

Awesome Car A Fun Game... Nintendo Australia Joe Cartoon
Background of Insanity   A Page About Fuzz Kill Frog
The Mighty Dark Archon      

ThE bEsT bItS oF tHe SiTe ArE bElOw...


"The World you live in is just a sugar coated topping...
There is another world...beneath it...
And if you wanna survive in it you better learn... to pull... the trigger!"

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