The Paddle Team Vs. Green Thumb Duo Part 01
By WingNut
A Round Robin of the CS Insanity Central ML

The four handsome young men were a wet-dream in black leather: tight pants, tall boots and long coats. Their 'shirts' were mere strips of leather holding the accoutrements of their trade - paddles, whips, quirts, etc.

Heero rose from his laptop, calling out the coordinates to the others. GreenThumb was on the move, and would have to be tracked down immediately, or the city would be overrun with enormous plants...

Quatre flipped shut his cell phone as they swung into the corridor. "The Mayor says Boston Harbour is clogged with overgrown tea plants!! Three ships have been capsized already! Wufei, I'd like you to handle that."

Wufei looked slightly annoyed - either because he wouldn't be allowed to confront the rampaging mutant with his paddle, or because he hated the thought of all that tea being wasted. He nodded curtly, however, and turned on his heel, heading for his motorcycle.

"Trowa, GreenThumb has also been through the zoo, and several cages have been damaged. You'd be best suited there, to recapture the animals and calm the crowds." Trowa also nodded, flicking a short whip, and strode away.

"Heero, you and I will tackle GreenThumb before he can do any further damage. We'll start at the coordinates you mentioned, and I'll try to track him with my spaceheart from there."

Heero frowned slightly. "I want him alive," he said flatly.

Quatre looked surprised, but then glanced at the hairbrush dangling from Heero's hand. "It's the hair, isn't it? You still want to tame one of them, use your weapon as a tool of pleasure instead of merely destruction."

The blond sighed. "I doubt this GreenThumb will be any easier to talk to than the last three dozen mutants we've taken down, but I promise to try."

Quatre smacked his camel quirt against his leg. "If he can be reasoned with, perhaps..."

Heero nodded, satisfied, and the two headed off to their jeep.

Notes --+-- Part 02