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Welcome to Kamikazi Gundam Universe

December 20, 2001 - Spike
I added over 50 more images to the gallery... now we have 110 pics! but man it a pain to upload all of the pics and write the html.

December 18, 2001 - Spike
Havent updated in a while but THE IMAGE GALLARY IS UP! I FINALLY GOT IT UP! YESS! It took quit a while... BUT ITS UP! over 50 images! 6 pages!

December 15, 2001 - Spike
The message board is up for posting! am still gathering links so post yours in the message board and Ill do my best to get it up...

December 14, 2001 - Spike
I have: Created the layout, done most of the sections, and uploaded it! The message board is coming soon.

December 10, 2001 - Kamikazi
Inspiration for KGU sits in my mind... Lol... Spike should be starting on the site some time month...