Welcome to the J. Animation Nation Guild Webpage

The is an ever changing site, which means the background will constantly be changed when Halogamer199270 or Myself (Ryokobebop182) get tired of it. This Time it the theme is Vash from Trigun and ever time we change the theme there will be a new banner and it will be shown off in the banner section and at the bottem of this page replacing the older one, we are constantly aiming for a guy/girl site if you have any suggestions neomail me Ryokobebop182

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This NeoCircle is owned by ryokobebop182.
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Each of these buttons are guild links, click on the button that says where you want to go, and you will be there ((well duh lol, do I even have to explain this?))

Not a member of J. Animation Nation? No Problem, Click the banner below to sign up!!! or if your already a member click here to go back to the guild

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