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The Four Gundams of the Apocalypes


The following is a Disclaimer, which I suggest you read if you have not read any of my essays before......Trust me it’s not what you think ^__^

These are the opinions of the author and no one elses. They are not official, and even though backed up with series evidence and documentation should not be regarded as fact for any reason or purposes. Any similarities between the following opinions and statements made by the producers, writers, or creators of Gundam Wing are purely coincidental. I repeat, these are opinions not facts and should not be handled as fact under any circumstances. You are free to agree with me, not to champion me :)

Thank you

When one considers the wide wonderful world of Bibilical symbolism the first anime to come to mind as an example is certainly not Gundam Wing. At first look the GW saga seems to have no religious affilation at all, symbolic or not. But when the idea of Gundams 02-05 representing the Four Horsemen was first suggested to me, it made certain aspects of the show alot clearer.

For example many fans criticize Relena’s world of peace, complaining that it’s not realistic, that it will only fall apart, and moving on to concluded that Relena is short sighted, foolish, and naive`. But when I first began to consider the Horsemen/Gundams relationship suddenly I realized that Relena’s world of peace sounded and acted a lot like a Heaven on Earth....

Keep in mind reader that Gundam Wing has a tendency to work on multiple philosophical levels, and it’s primarily a story about man -vs- fate. Inaddition to that, the Bibilical text of Revelation is extremely hard to interpret within itself, if the original text was indeed translated correctly at all. These factors considered this little theory must be placed in the intellectual category of "Big stretch" ^___^

But back to the apocalypse.....

In order to make the theory work, I will be using just the images of the horsemen by themselves. In their proper context the four horsemen represent four stages of time leading up to judgement. I will be using the literal imagery from Revelations instead of this symbolic significance.

The horsemen are Death, Famine, Plague, and War, the exact roles and titles of the horsemen vary from translations and interpretions but these are the ones I shall be using here ^__^.
The Apocalypse as through Gundam Wing-The Remaining Seals and additional Symbolism.