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::Which Impracticable Puff Are You?-Quiz::
My Fav. Link: ::Amy's Buddy Profile::
--A Thank You / Shout Out Page--

"God himself seems to be always doing his best here"

Choose your friends like your books, few but choice. --American Proverb

Ann Marie K.--- My best bud! I love you! The best part of school is going to see you everyday at Band and at lunch! You are so sweet and there's no one as sweet as you!

Felicia B.--- a few words...The slipper hamster marching band! Tuba Ted?! Guide right! lol! Lyl, Felicia!

Nicole Y.--- My Cat Buddy! Meow! How rare and random was that meow we did in the hallway? At the same time as well! Let's eat cracker filled carrot cakes! Huzzah! let's go see the Lord of the Ring: The Return of the King together!! I can't wait!! Chihiro's mouse friend was such a cute gift! I love it! Thank you so much! Thanks for being such an AWESOME Biology Buddy!!!

Kelly P.--- Such an awesome friend!! thank you for being such a pal, lol. Kelly: "So did you write that palm?" Alex: "Palm?" Kelly: " I meant poem! I can't say poem! I hate the word poem!" Alex: ::lol:: The dancing tree is gone...they took it away! What shall I do now?!!

Liliya G.--- Wow! We've been friends for a long time, haven't we? You're my music buddy! You're very smart and the best pianist I know! That's why I chose you to accompany me on the solo and ensemble! You'll be better than me! Thank you!

Kim D.--- Kim, What will we ever do without Bob the Builder??! Oh! I wish he never retired! Serta Matresses Rock! And thank you for being such a nice friend! I couldn't have lasted through band without you! Stay awesome and sweet! And Thank you again!

Stephi- Uschii- Ha ha, I never told you why I call you Stephi- USCHII, it was in the German dictionary for names, so, it had to be Stephi Uschii!

Amy M.--- Amy: Bring it Pro- Clarinet! Alex: Bring it on Student Flute, or soon to be Pro- Flute!! Thanks Amy, I will never forget that =D

Sarah H. --- My own sister, ha, you're a puff! I wuv you Sabur! Enjoy your own puff...ha ha, and tell Jeff too about this site!

Jocelyn K.--- Also known as Jocey, the one who calls me Zandria, and whom I call Jocey! The years of studying, eep >.< . Ha ha, and all the N64 we've played, scary stuff that Mario. Epona!

THANK YOU to everyone of my friends, another thanks to Jocelyn who helped me find out what a computer was, and how to use html! And another thanks to Nicole, you taught me to never give up even after I did so many times, I couldn't have done anything without you!

I'd also like to give credit for the blinkies and anime dolls on the home site. Please visit this site =D is created to satisfy your dollie needs!Visit us please!!

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