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Humor Page

     So you're here for something funny?  Well Gee I have a lot of dumb stuff here so...
     If you want to submit something for my humor by others page then click here  I don't have the page up yet since no one's sent me anything.  If I do get anything and make the page it'll be accessible through the multimedia page.
H:I wonder if that's gonna move...                  
HS:COME ON DUO! Where did you put my good China?  D:Awww.  Hilde babe it's someplace safe ya know in the garage disposal...whoops   HS:WHAT?!
R:Heero you got dust in your hair.  H:What aw man it'll take forever to get that out
R:Bro, I'm happy to see you to but I can't breathe.  Z:Oh sorry.
C:Geez Trowa lighten up. T: I can't I used the last of my gel and now I won't be able to keep my unique hairstyle.

H: Note to self, never EVER fly through a warzone again!  I just broke a nail!

R: Gee Heero everyone can tell it's you   H: Really?  Is it that obvious?

 H: Zechs give back my toy fire truck   R: YEAH! You tell him Hee-kun   H: Don't call me that!  Z:*snicker*


Take the g-gang to the carnival (do you HAVE to ask?)

Ask Duo to cut his hair (are you nuts?!)

Disturb Quatre while he's drinking tea (think hot liquid, disturbed teen...)

Hide Trowa's hair gel (do NOT ask)

Touch Heero's gun (think gun, perfect soldier, not very good combination ne?)

Steal Wufei's katana (long sword irate gundam the math)

Call Wufei Wu-man (again, long sword irate gundam pilot...)

Say the word "Relena" around Heero (no comment)

Let Heero near the spandex (think during 95 he was an ass when he got those jeans big improvement on personality...)

Let any of the g-guys near any tight clothing (spandex, jeans...)

Sneak into Relena's room (after all the times Heero's been in there she's getting paranoid...)

Dye Zech's hair pink and put butterfly clips in it (again do NOT ask)

Let the gang have a "friendly" get together at Quatre's Mansion (his staff still hasn't fully recovered from the last one, and Rashid is currently a resident at the Sprongfield mental institution)

Let the g-gang go fishing (Duo got a fish-hook stuck in Heero's mouth...)

Let the g-gang go to the movies (The theater is now informing new employees about the popcorn incident as a warning)

Go to visit the whole g-gang if they're living together (self explanatory)

Break Hilde or Quatre's china (it's just scary!)

Tell Heero that his mission is to win at B.S. (if he loses he just might kill himself)