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War Games



Disclaimer: I don’t own gundam wing or anything else for that matter except for the characters I make up, my puppy poster, my copy of jane eyre, my shoes, my cd player, and my humble sketch book, everything else is shared or belongs to my parents, ah the woes of childhood J


Authoresses Note: I don’t know where this came from and I know I should be working on my other fics…but oh well I could be worse.

Warnings: AU definitely AU and swearing and stuff…


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                “If you’re going to let them cheat, at least teach them to cheat properly!” she said, not even bothering to conceal her fury.

            To say she was mad would’ve been an understatement.  It also wasn’t right to say that she was merely infuriated.  No.  This girl was seeing red.  First, it was the fact that the other team had cheated that had pissed her off, then the fact that they thought they could win with such insubstantial tactics, but the fact that they had lost when they had the advantage; the fact that they had cheated but not even done it properly, that shoved her over.

            “ARKADIANS DISMISSED!” She shouted before turning her back and stomping out the door.

            It was only when she was halfway down the hall that she’d realized her mistake.  Miguel Rodriguez was a proud boy of 15 while she was a small girl of eight.  He’d cheated in the games, she’d beaten him, and she hadn’t shaken hands with him so he could admit his defeat and make them equal.  She’d let the youngest person on her team, a girl, name exactly the mistake he made, tell him exactly what he should’ve done.  Miguel had disliked her before, but now she doubted that he didn’t hate her.  She’d made him look like a fool.

            “This is all Lt. Caesar’s fault.” She muttered. “I shouldn’t be a team leader, hell, I shouldn’t even be on a team yet.  People aren’t usually put on teams till they’re ten.  What is Caesar trying to do to me?” 

            A tear stole down her cheek.  She wiped it away, regained her composure, and walked back to the part of the base where her team’s bunks were.  She walked into the leader’s room and lay down.  Sweat stuck her uniform to her body.  She shivered slightly.  “I should take a shower.” She thought as she pulled herself out of bed and dragged herself to the showers.  It had definitely not been her day, or week, or month, or year, or decade for that matter, and she hadn’t even been alive that long. 

            “War is a bitch.  A god damned bitch.” She thought, even though it hadn’t ever mattered what she thought, just what she did.  But that never mattered either since it was all part of their plan, whatever that was.