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     Read the following examples, and you will see that we have been following the blind leaders in keeping the tradition of men by observing the Sabbath from Friday evening to Saturday evening.

     The following Scriptural examples of the weekly Sabbath, which are always on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of each moon without exception, should convince the honest truth-seeker that the moon is truly for the Appointments of YHWH. When you understand the word seasons in Gen. 1:14 means Appointments and they (the Heavenly lights) shall be for signs (beacons) and seasons (Appointments.) (Ps 104:19) He appointed the moon for seasons (Appointments). In both of these verses the word seasons means Appointments just as the word Feast in Lev. 23:3 means Appointments (see concordance) (“These are my Feasts.”) and the first Feast is the weekly Sabbath. If the weekly Sabbath is an Appointment and the moon is for an Appointment (or Sabbath) then the Sabbath must be kept by the moon. That should end the debate for the honest hearted.

     To prove the New moon is not a workday look at Ezch. 46:1. “The gates to YHWH’s house are to be shut the six workdays and open on the Sabbaths and the day of the New moon.” (See also Amos 8:5) When locating the true Sabbath, which follows the six workdays, we must remember the New moon day is never counted as one of the six workdays as the following example prove.

     The first pinpointed Sabbath is in Ex. 16:22,23 and if you count backwards the second day of the moon; is the first workday, which proves the New moon was not counted as one of the six workdays, and the Sabbaths are on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of the moon.

     The same thing again in the Crucifixion Week the Sabbath is on the 15th. (John 19:31 and Luke 23:54-56) A simple count backwards tells us that the first workday is the second day of the moon and proves again, the New Moon was not counted as one of the six workdays. This also places the weekly Sabbaths on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of the moon, and if our Savior had not been killed on the 14th, He would have kept the Sabbath on the 15th, as was His custom.

     Preachers try to create a Weekly Sabbath on the 17th at the time of Crucifixion Week and try to say the 15th was a yearly Sabbath only, but if that were so, the tenth day of that moon would have to be a Sabbath also, but the Scriptures proves this to be false in John 12:1. It says that it was six days before Passover or the 15th. (John 19:14, Luke 22:1, Six days before 15th would be on the 9th of the moon and verse 12 says on the next day, the 10th, He came to Jerusalem. Now, notice this is when the Passover lamb was to be put up (He the Lamb) on the 10th, a very busy day and definitely not a Sabbath; therefore, the 17th was not a Sabbath either.

     He would have broken the Fathers law by riding the ass and causing it to work, if the 10th were a Sabbath. Also, they were cutting tree limbs, buying and selling on that day. He entered the house of YHWH and healed a man on the 10th and they said what a wonderful work, instead of accusing Him of breaking the Sabbath.

     This all proves the 10th was not a Weekly Sabbath and therefore the 17th could not have been a Sabbath either. You can prove this in Luke 19:35-45. Matthew 21:2-15 tells how He came riding on an ass and how He entered the Temple where they were buying and selling — a very busy day each year for everybody. It would be pure confusion to have a commanded no-workday Sabbath to fall on a scheduled workday, or any scheduled workday for that matter, like the fourteenth day of the first moon when everybody was to kill and prepare the Passover. It is a commanded workday, and pure confusion to have a commanded no-workday fall on a commanded workday.

     Another place the New moon and Sabbaths are pinpointed is John 9:14. To prove this compare the following verses. John 7:2 tells the Feast of Tabernacles was at hand. Verse 10 tells He went up to it. Verse 37 tells us that on the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles, which is the 21st (see Lev. 23:34-42, Numbers 25:12, Deut. 16:13-15, Nehemiah 8:17 and Ez. 45:25) all of these prove fact in seven day feast. John 8:1 tells that He went to the Mt. of Olives and verse 2 says that early in the morning He came again into the temple and taught (on the 22nd Sabbath) verse 59 says He went out of the temple and passed by. Chapter 9:1 tells of seeing the blind man. Verse 6 says that He made clay, and verse 14 says that it was the Sabbath (22nd), which proves the 2nd day of the moon was the first workday of the week again. The New moon was not counted as one of the six workdays and the weekly Sabbaths were on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of the moon, and our Savior kept them on these days as was His Custom.

     How could we fail to see these Sabbaths are always on these set days of the moon? And here again, our Savior (the son of YHWH) was keeping the Heavenly Sabbaths that were created in Heaven and not by man’s calendar. The Sabbath was on the 22nd when He kept it. Needless to say, the 29th was a Sabbath, also. Won’t you follow His example?

     Paul was also using YHWH’s calendar after the Crucifixion in Acts 20:17. He mentions the first day of the week, which was on the second day of the moon. You can verify this in Acts 20:5, 6, 7. They sailed away from Philippi after the days of unleavened bread (22nd) and came unto them in Troas in five days (26th) where they abode seven days. The seventh day of Paul’s stay, was the second day of the moon and Paul calls the second day of the moon the first day of the week and that puts the Sabbath on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of the moon, proving the New moon was not counted as one of the six workdays. Counting the 26th as the first day, the 27th as the second, the 28th as the third, the 29th as the fourth, the 30th as the fifth, the first or New moon as the sixth day of the stay, and the second day of the moon the seventh day of Paul’s stay at Troas. The Scriptures calls this second day of the moon the first day of the week, because they only stayed seven days. And, the first day of the week would be that seventh day they stayed and the second day of the moon is the first workday of the week. If the second day of the moon was the first workday of the week then that proves Paul kept the weekly Sabbath on the eighth day of the moon, then the 15th, etc. The New moon was not counted. Won’t you follow Him as He follows the Master?

     The Sabbaths are on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th in the second moon. Apostle Paul remembered the true Sabbath day to keep it Holy. By counting six workdays after the New moon day, then resting on the seventh day according to the commandment, it will always be on the eighth day from the New moon, or the beginning, as it was in Genesis, chapter 1.

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