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1)       Basic information about yourself (including strengths, experiences). (20 points)


2)       A current picture.  (20 points) 


3)       Your fall schedule in table form, including any commitments (other classes, work, etc.) you have.  (20 points)


4)       Your preferred email address. (10 points)


5)       Appearance of web page. (10 points)



Welcome to the CSC326 Jeremy Schwartz Homepage!





Biographical Info:

Name:  Jeremy Schwartz

Age:  19

Occupation:  Student

Classification:   Human   Junior

Current Major:  Computer Science and Biochemistry


About Me:

     This is my third year at NCSU.  I began as a Computer Science major, but I once I realized that I could finish it in three years (with difficulty) I decided I might as well do something more.  So I'm giving Chemical Engineering -- Biosciences Concentration a chance.  Unfortunately, that means I have little-to-no free time.

     I am a very hardworking person.  When I put my name on something, it means that I have gone over it with a fine-tooth comb, checking and rechecking until I am satisfied with the end result.  I may procrastinate a bit, but I also do my best work when under pressure.

     I am a very energetic person.  I fidget, I love running around, I whistle a lot, and I benefit from working out regularly.  I am an outdoors person—I love playing in the woods.  Activities I take pleasure in are reading, sleeping, riding bikes, video games, playing at playgrounds, sleeping, and drawing/painting.  I also enjoy working with kids, as you will see from my work experience.

     One unique fact about myself is that—along with the other participants on a particular Fall Break trip—I jumped off of the seventy-foot high traffic bridge in New River Gorge.  So now, when my mother asks me, “Would you jump off a bridge just because everyone else does?” I can truthfully answer, “Yes.”


Work Experience:

·        Raleigh-Cary Jewish Community Center:  Summer Day Camp Junior Counselor (June-Aug 1999, 40 hrs/wk), Summer Day Camp Counselor (June-Aug 2000, 2001, 2002, 50 hrs/wk), Summer Day Camp Substitute Athletics Director (July 2003, 8 hrs/day), After Camp Clean-Up (Aug 2003, 8 hrs/day)

·        Raleigh Parks and Recreation:  Adventures At Umstead Summer Program Assistant Director (May-July 2003, 60 hrs/wk)

·        Beth Meyer:  Youth Advisor for Grades 9-12 (Aug-May 2003-2004, varies)


Volunteer Experience:

·        With a group of four, I produced a Public Service Announcement for the Partnership for a Drug-Free North Carolina against smoking (2001)

·        Co-lead a summer camp group of about twenty middle-school students during weekly community service activities, such as beautify a downtown Durham park, picking up trash in a Raleigh city park, and setting up a picnic for an elderly home (2001)

·        Celebrate State, a campus-wide clean-up/service project (2001, 2002)

·        Service Raleigh, a campus-initiated city-wide clean-up/service project (2001, 2002)

·        Answered phones and took pledges at the UNC-TV Festival 2002 Telethon (2002)

·        NC State Hillel Alternative Spring Break at Twin Lakes State Park in West Virginia, helping cleaning/restoring trails and facilities (2002)


Contact Info/Links:

Fall 2003 Schedule (21 hours)

Resume (from ePack)


Phone:  512-2165