Poll Results

Here are the results to our last poll:

"Who would win a Medieval Joust to the Death? (Only six more months till the Ren Fest returns!)"
825 Total Votes

8th Place: Other with 4 votes (0%)

7th Place: Treize with 9 votes (1%)

6th Place: Wufei with 20 votes (2%)

5th Place: Trowa with 22 votes (2%)

4th Place: Zechs with 51 votes (6%)

3rd Place: Duo with 59 votes (7%)

2nd Place: Quatre with 311 votes(37%)

1st Place: Heero with 349 votes (42%)

Here are the results to our previous polls:

"Who would look best in those tight little pants male figure skaters wear? (Wee Olympics!)"
712 Total Votes

8th Place: Treize with 19 votes (2%)
7th Place: Wufei with 25 votes (3%)
6th Place: Other with 37 votes (5%)
5th Place: Zechs with 67 votes (9%)
4th Place: Trowa with 79 votes (11%)
3rd Place: Quatre with 88 votes (12%)
2nd Place: Duo with 169 votes(23%)
1st Place: Heero with 228 votes (32%)

"Who has the best voice/voice actor?"
528 Total Votes

8th Place: Other with 6 votes (1%)
7th Place: Treize with 12 votes (2%)
6th Place: Wufei with 14 votes (2%)
5th Place: Quatre with 44 votes (8%)
4th Place: Trowa with 57 votes (10%)
3rd Place: Zechs with 62 votes (11%)
2nd Place: Duo with 163 votes(30%)
1st Place: Heero with 170 votes (32%)

"Who would make the best Chippendales Dancer? (Yeah, it's gender biased - sorry men.)"
346 Total Votes

8th Place: Treize with 9 votes (2%)
7th Place: Zechs with 18 votes (5%)
6th Place: Wufei with 19 votes (5%)
5th Place: Trowa with 23 votes (6%)
4th Place: Quatre with 30 votes (80%)
3rd Place: Other with 33 votes (9%)
2nd Place: Heero with 89 votes(25%)
1st Place: Duo with 125 votes (36%)

"Who Has the Best Hair Cut?"
408 Total Votes

7th Place: Other with 11 votes (2%)
6th Place: Wufei with 14 votes (3%)
5th Place: Zechs with 31 votes (7%)
4th Place: Quatre with 51 votes (12%)
3rd Place: Trowa with 59 votes (14%)
2nd Place: Heero with 114 votes(27%)
1st Place: Duo with 128 votes (31%)

Don't forget to take the latest Heaven & Hell Poll!
