Gundam Wing Humor

Well this page is pretty self-explanatory. It's funny stuff we thought up. You can submit ideas for, well, just about any of them and we'll probably put them up. Just give us name and email so you can get credit!

Suggested GW Excuses Picture Quotes A Theory on "The Manager"

A Theory on Duo's Never-Ending Happiness Things People Say While Watching GW for the First Time

Top 10 Places Heero Puts His Gun The Rules of Combat - GW Style The New Priest

Miracle Shampoo Commercial Gundam Wing Pick Up Lines A Random G-Boy Discussion

Everything I Know in Life I Learned from Gundam Wing

Things You'll Never Hear the Gundam Characters Say

And, for your enjoyment, a special Holiday Treat!

The Twelve Days of Christmas - Gundam Wing StyleNEW!
