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Silence in the night

Things of fright

Don’t know why

They will suicide

Life is just as short as the fright



Things will stay the same

As long as I can stay sane

And you will stay sane

Can’t I complain?


18’s views


Ice of the glaciers, they are one to me

For that is how I am, to all that I see

The fighter over there, and the one in the corner

They think I'm new to this as a foreigner

But I have fought before, and I have won

They think they can melt me like the sun

They don’t know that I am like toe artic harsh and cold

The only time I will be beat is when I'm old

Even then it would be a feat

For someone to get In my seat

All those fighters are a bore

I might just lie down and snore


Pomes about the Ronins or in the story of Inferna


Fearless warriors


The dark is still, the nights are clear

Day is night, night is black, but have no fear

The armors of truth and justice will guide your way

They will help on your quest, to turn the night to day


Dark sword


Beware the night

When all the light

In the everlasting dawn

And the sweet larks song

Go down in fright

Beware the bite

Of evils dark sword

For you have been warned




Things will never be as they are

Even when we are afar

As the sun to the moon

The harsh wind will take me soon

I that had been taken from your arms

I hope dearly I don’t do you any harm

With a kiss I’ll come back

That is the only fact

That the armor will ever come back


In the night


Chosen ones of the armors, take care

For the darkness in the light

Is a powerful foe battling in the eternal fight

Between darkness and light


Blood and tears


For it is written in tears

Sealed with many tears

Beware the rush

When evil nears


Isles of mists


Ones of might

Take the light

Of the Isles of the mists

To the darkness

There they will be destroyed

And through into the void

But at a price from the all to nice


Armor searching


Flames heat burning

Armor seeking its owner

Though the battle field


Glittering beauty

Is she the one to ware me?

The one Inferna


Now is not the time

The grate evil is coming

And I must be worn




The wise guy of our group

Even though he cant even make soup

He gives us valuable advice everyday

Even if we don’t do what he says

We love him that blue haired punk

Without him we’d be sunk


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No materials on this site or any others are for profit but for enjoyment. I do not receive any money at all from this site and will never receive any unless by permission of all the respectful owners of the fallowing: Ronin Warriors and Samurai Troopers are © Sunrise, Inc. Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball GT are © to there respective owners The Dragons of Dimar are © of Dee Dreslough and my dragons are partially based upon her work. This site and all of its original contents are © of Chrissy of Inferna, Chrissy of Hailfire, Hailfire, Inferna, or any other alias that belongs to me.