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Gundarium Warriors: Large & In Charge

Our Soldiers

Other places

Gundam Official-Source on all things gundam
Novalogic-The place for all things Delta Force
Star Wars Life-My Off time hangout

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. My site is back up and ready to rock!! This site is dedicated to my Team mates in the Gundarium Warriors, so if you like Gundam (any one of em) and play Delta Force 2, send me an E-mail and we'll see what ya got. The E-mail address is, if ya wanna talk to me my aim is Aranil72. We have been accepted by the almighty novaworld, so we're open for business. Well We have no allied clan as of yet, but if we find an honorable clan and they wish to form an alliance we will hae one. Everyone have a happy haloween!! I kmow I will :) 3/14/02: Yes it has been awhile but we're still alive. We have jumped from just a DF squad to Paintball and JK2:Outcast. Right now i am working on some tactics. well have a kickass Spring Break!!! 5/21/03: OMG, its been quite a bit, we have all agrred to rededicate ourselves to the Delta Force games. On an interesting side note, the first game i hoped on today was inhabited by a cheater. Hopefully something can be done about them fairly soon. I would also like to congratulate Kolonel Zechs on a nice shot, Kudos. 9/30/03: Its been quite a bit but weve been spending most of our time on LAN games. We will try to make an appearance before too long. NovaWorld Official Squad Please come back and visit again! We'll be waiting for ya!!
