obligitory warning


This is a Gundam Wing Yaoi and Shonen-ai page. Some of you might know it as slash. For those of you who don't recognize ANY of the above terms, a brief lesson in internet slang is in order.

Shonen-ai - Translated literally from Japanese, this means "boy love" or "love between boys". Usually non-explicit

Yaoi - An acronym of "Yama nashi, ochi nashi, imi nashi," or "No climax, no meaning, no resolution." This basically translates into "Guys getting it on in a pretty explicit manner"

Slash - The American term for either and both of the above. While the Japanese terms are gender-specific, "slash" can mean gay romance between members of either gender.

If any of these bother you, please, get a life. Or, alternatively, click the little "back" button at the top of your screen. If you're a minor and your parents check the history because they just don't trust you, for some reason, then please stop here. If you're a parent checking up on your kids, please keep and open mind an allow them to explore alternative means for expressing themselves. Or, if you're a stick in the mud, note that I put up a warning page, so it ain't MY fault they visited the site.

Otherwise, Come on in!