Quatre by Lily

Title: Quatre - revised version
Author: Lily
Archive: yes, please, on my site at some point
Pairing: 3x4, 4x5, 3x5
Categories: songfic, angst, deathfic, AU, LEMONS! in retrospect, but still pretty explicit
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: death of a major character, lemon, bloodsports, vampirism (one reference), slight squick
Spoilers: none
Notes: *italics* [lyrics] Quatre's POV, third fic that goes along with "The Lover After Me" and "The Suicide Note"
Disclaimer: I don't own them and I hate deathfics. don't own the lyrics to "Am I the Only One" by the Barenaked Ladies
Feedback: craved! send to: ann_marie_martino@ emerson.edu


[Am I the only one who gets to make you laugh,]

I've been reading the note you sent me, lovely Trowa. It must have been difficult, ne? But you did love every minute of those sick games we played. You say you love me, love Wufei - excuse me, loved - but I don't think you know what love is. Now, I on the other hand, have a terrific grasp on love. Oh, yes, like when I tied your long-fingered hands to the headboard and sucked each finger, one at a time, then I had my love in my grasp. I can still feel your heartbeat as it fluttered erratically from the erotic assault. I should have known you'd kill yourself in such a unique way. Then, when you were so hard you were aching, I left the room - remember that, dear Trowa? Yes, of course you do. I took such wonderful care of you, love. I returned with chocolate sauce and strawberries and ate dessert off of your body. Of course, that was before the knife, but nonetheless...

[Laugh until you cry?]

I used the cat o' nine tails on you till tears were gushing down your cheeks and still you cried out my name in your completion. You adored every moment we spent together. What do you mean, you knew what game I was playing? You claim to have allowed yourself to be seduced by me, but those green, guileless eyes of yours, you didn't have a clue! No, not one...till I took you home with me and showed you who was boss. I can see you wondering about Wufei, wherever you are. You want to know why I needed him, and how he came to love me so much he was obsessed. Your virtuous, pure dragon boy? He loved every second of it. I would love him with my mouth, all over his gorgeous, gold body. I can still smell the herbal shampoo he used in his hair and the taste of vanilla that clung to him. Oh, yes, he was beautiful, and when I'd run a fingertip over his quivering, naked body, he would buck into my hands. The real reason I married him? For the challenge. He seemed so prudish, and I wanted to suck that out of him with my kisses. Unfortunately, he'd only put out if there was a ring - okay, figuratively speaking - on his finger. You know me, my darling Trowa, of course I would oblige him. The ceremony was lovely, yellow and pink roses spilling across the aisle we walked down. But then, you were there, so you should recall.

[Am I the only one who asks you to go,
Go on without me?
Am I the only one who loves when you leave
Your hair down in front of your eyes?]

He was a wonderful fuck, Trowa. He came so hard and fast, and he tasted so good, but alas, he was not so very inventive. Unlike you, my circus performer. You certainly were quite the acrobat in bed, koi! Yes, I loved both of you, but each differently. The very things I loved about Wufei soon began to bore me. 'Fei, you should have known. Did you really, honestly believe that I could be content with you and you alone? Especially after Trowa started giving me those looks, and I could tell he would be a live-wire in bed, unlike you. I loved the feel of your skin as it kissed my fingertips, but I love the bite of a whip more, the feel of the cold metal of handcuffs slapping against my erection before immobilizing my hands. My poor obsessive dragon, who does not even appreciate what Trowa has done for him. Yes, in that Trowa is correct. I probably would have murdered your proud soul, 'Fei, had he not provided diversions. That day, in our bed? It was Trowa's idea, because he knew just what would tickle me until I went crazy.

[And who do you think I am?
And who do you think I'll be?
without you?]

So Trowa, you've gone, killed yourself, right? And it was a damn happy thing, from what I've heard. Found you with a smile on your face. Well, 'Fei, you're next, huh? Wish I could see the tears swimming in those black eyes again. Wish I could see the tears I've had the pleasure to cause. Wish I could see the pain that surrounds your heart. I can feel it, though, and it's a balm to my soul. Lick my lips and imagine your eyes when I drove into you so hard you squealed. Trowa never felt pain the way you did. Oh, he loved the games as much as I, but then, he never quite felt it. I felt it though, and every time one of my two lovers cried out I got harder. Bet you never thought your perfect blonde angel could get so drunk on someone else's pain. But I had to...otherwise the space heart would make me insane...enough of that, anyway. I've nothing left without you, Trowa, and without Wufei. You took him away from me. I saw it in his eyes, he was over me, that beautiful obsession had died a beautiful black-rosed death upon the receipt of your confession. Oh, what a poetic suicide note, what a long, lovely piece of writing, but all for me? All so only I could enjoy it? Oh, I'm nothing, now that I'm alone. I've gone wandering with my thoughts, and I found myself at the cemetery. Soon Trowa's lovely body and twisted mind will be covered in dirt and earth and worms. Tell me, Tro, will you enjoy the worms as they eat through your smooth skin? Knowing you, I bet you shall.

[Am I the only one who had to dress you up
To see how you fell down]

'Fei, why did you have to follow me? Hell, if it hadn't been such a truly wicked idea, I wouldn't have fucked him on our bed. Better to have both my loves at once, like I'd been doing. But as Trowa said, "can't have your cake and eat it, too," just before he turned himself into one. Oh, that was torture. He manacled me to the bed, then drizzled chocolate, and frosting, and cherries over his body, his gorgeous naked body. And all I could do was watch as he ate the cherries, slowly, so that I could see his teeth and every time cherry juice dripped onto his lips. He'd lick his lips so slowly I thought I'd go insane. Then he'd scoop a tiny bit of the chocolate sauce and frosting off his body with his finger, and then suck his finger so deliciously, I could have come just watching him then. But then he decided to make the torture even worse, and he pumped himself to completion in front of me, using chocolate sauce as lube. Then he licked his salty cum from my body. Well, of course I was screaming obscenities by then! But when he untied me, did he ever get it. He paid for that little game of his.

[Am I the only one who needs you to go,
Go on about me?]

Goodbye, Wufei, I'd said that day. Love and kisses. Well, chocolatey kisses. Remember when we were eating chocolate and I kissed you? Your whole mouth tasted so sweet and yummy. And even then I could still smell the vanilla wafting from your bronzed skin. You left for work that day with your shirt untucked. Can't say I really blame you. But as much as I love you, darling dragon, you took my Trowa away from me. Ah, Trowa, remember the time I tied your hands and carved my name into your back? You bled so gracefully, delicious droplets of blood escaping from the cuts I'd made. I got so hard watching you bleed that I leaned down and licked some of it from the curve of your back, like a cat. And you arched your back into my tongue, also like a cat. Disturbingly so, I might add. My lovely Trowa, could it be that you quite enjoy bloodsports and vampirism? The taste of your blood, cloying and coppery, still hugs my tongue when I think of you. I made a meal of Wufei, he was too naïve to comprehend the darkness in my heart. You, Trowa, I made a literal meal of, licking the salty sweat from your body, the cum, even the blood. I got drunk on you, love. I got drunk on your love, and so, I suppose, I got careless. Wish I had my beautiful, dark lover back. Was it necessary to pass that critical point? Did you have to die?

[Am I the only one who loves when you leave
Your hair down in front of your eyes?]

Did you have to die? Did you?! I shall make someone pay for that, for taking my luscious lover away from me. Wufei, do you remember how well I fooled you? You thought I was innocent. I pretended that I couldn't kiss, pretended to be afraid late in the night. I wish I hadn't had to deceive you, love. I wish I could have been honest with you, could have allowed you to taste my wilder side. I will see the tears in your eyes again. I simply cannot wait to hear you scream, hear you beg and plead. I'm on top of you now, and your tasty black eyes are full of fear. Oh, yes, and it's just what I'd dreamed of, everything I'd hoped for, and you scream so charmingly, and...



"Heero! You didn't have to kill him!"

"Baka. He would never have given up. He thought that was love. I'll show you love, once we get that body off of 'Fei, who, I believe, is shouting about injustice."

"Well, it's a bit muffled, but I think you're right..."

"Baka." And with a kiss, the rest is silence.


what do you think? I have no idea why this is an evil Quatre fic, it just is. But I like, for some reason, and yes, that's the end.
Okay, so I lied, 'cause it became three fics longer!

The first fic of the second trilogy

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