Freddie's Planet

The Way I Feel

No one knows how I feel inside
And no one even cares
Although they think they do

No one realizes that I am slowly dieing from the inside out
Going deeper into my body never to return,
Even though it may seem like I am there

No one thinks that anything is wrong
But all of them just don't want to see what's happening to someone they love.
So I put on this little act, that everyone seems buy
I think that they just don't know how I am really feeling inside.

I need to tell someone but, no one seems to be listening,
And for every person who isn't listening,
I go deeper into darkness, trying to find the light,
That's no where to be found

My friends having so much fun with out me,
They don't know what it's doing to me,
I may act like I am having fun,
But in reality nothings fun anymore.
So, in gets harder and harder to feel emotions.
And it gets easier and easier to just pretend that I am fine.

But I know that if I ever got to the point,
I would never come back to the life I once loved,
To the friends that love me but, not enough to care,
To the family that doesn't seem to want me there.

So why do I put up with it all…
Cause I know that if I ever needed you,
You would always be there.

<center><b><i><font face="Monotype Corsiva" size="10" color="990000">All About Me Poem's</font></i></b></center>
So Alone!

So alone in my bed
Alone listening to nightly whispers
Alone in my thoughts
Alone standing in court
Alone I stand and fight
Alone I pray for rainbow lights

Alone in the morning I awake
Alone I celebrate my joys
Alone I cry out my sadness
Alone I voice out my fears
Alone in strenght

Alone in wealth
Alone in good health
Alone I try to understand
Alone I seek knowledge
Alone I share what is mine
Alone I try not to be alone
Alone when my time has come,
I pass away

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