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Character's Profile
Name: Josh Gainsborough
Gender: Male
Race: Cetra, Protoss
Age: 22
Weapon: Ultima Dragons Blade

Here is the concept art:
Shot 1-

Shot 2-

Shot 3-
his transformations serene state of mind and his dark archon form

Shot 4-

copy and paste for the pics to work

Story Version 1

Hello…. My name is Joshua Gainsborough some know me as the Gradd, I was born on the planet Earth at the time when Shinra had control of it. I am one of the last a surviving race… the Cetra. My mother was Ifalna the last surviving Cetra of her time. My father was Professor Gast he worked for Shinra but didn’t believe in there ideals. We lived a peaceful life at the Icicle inn.

Not after long Shinra had found out that my father was married to the last of the Cetra. They came in demanding that my mother came with them but my father protested. For doing so they killed him. My mother resisted and ran out of the house with us into the forest. While she ran she accidentally dropped me and forgot to come back. I was a baby left alone in the world. I am not sure how I grew up but I did. Somehow I was able to remember those things. Around the age of 6 I found my way to a pyramid not sure how I did so but I did. Life was lonely but it was better than living in a forest.

After the years had passed I learned on my own that the Pyramid was the Temple of the Ancients a monument to the Cetra… I spent my time training myself over the years in the art of battle to become stronger and strong each day. I hunted for my own food killing any monster or beast that came in my way. Most preferably I preferred the meat of the giant lizard that swarmed around the temple.

As three long years had passed in life I came upon a room in the temple that I had never come across before. As I opened its door I came upon a room surrounded in flames painted out with huge dragons all one the walls, and at the back of it was a state holding a sword inside of it. The statue was a long round Circle with an odd crest in the center of it. The crest was that of an S with and oval in the center of it and two spikes one on the top of the S and one on the bottom. On each side of the giant object where two eyes one on each side that seemed to be staring towards me, glowing with flames all around them. But at the very top of the circle was a sword that seemed to be glowing with a yellow light of flames all around it not violent flames but flames of peace it almost seemed as if they where calling out to me.

After staring at the sword for a period of time I jumped up towards it and pulled it from its stone quickly falling back to the ground. As I landed I held the magnificent sword in my hands as it shined brightly with an awesome power… the flames around the sword did not even penetrate my body at all. So I turned back holding the sword within my hands walking back to the door from which I came but before I was able to reach for the door all of the Dragons from the walls came to life and charged towards me in a rage of fury. So I pulled the sword forward and slashed towards all of them each time I hit a dragon it seemed as if the sword was absorbing them within itself gaining there power. After long all the dragons where down on the ground dead motionless… and the door opened.

Later I learned that the sword that I held was a legendary weapon created by the Cetra to aid the warrior who would save the planet from Black Materia, known as the Ultima Dragons Blade. After long many years had passed I had learned more about the Cetra that even my mother new it seemed. I learned of there origin and where they had come from and what the Promise land was. I learned that the Cetra where a nomadic race of beings traveling from planet to planet to find a place of true peace where they could live in harmony that being the Promise land.

Eventually a whole 10 years had passed since I was lost in the forest and began living on my own, I was now 16 then. One day I ventured off far into the forest and came across a man. I didn’t know it at the time but it was the same man that killed my father it was Professor Hojo. He looked towards me, somehow he new who I was but pretended to be my friend. I fell for it he led me to Midgar later on as I became a member of the military organization known as soldier. I was injected with Mako energy giving me a huge boost in strength. I was ranked 1st class for my skills.

I trained hard every single day nonstop while I was in soldier doing Shinra’s dirty work. I worked for them for 1 year as a member of soldier till Hojo decided that I would be his assistant instead of a member of soldier. He taught the arts of science, I became quite smart and even built many weapons for Shinra to use. I was living a good life I enjoyed it I actually had a friend, Hojo he was my only friend, he and a man called Sephiroth.

Sephiroth was a great warrior the most elite member of Soldier that Shinra had. I got to know him somewhat and he taught me skills in fighting that I could of never of imagined where possible. I learned to levitate off the ground as well as controlling my energy to a point of being able to teleport from place to place but the downfall was this technique would drain my energy completely and leave me defenseless. Sephiroth and Hojo where both mentors to me Hojo in the arts of science and Sephiroth in battle.

I grew up with theses two as my only friends, but Sephiroth died later. I heard that he had gone insane and attacked the town of Nibelheim I didn’t want to believe it at first but I had no choice when he didn’t return. I was told that he had died as well. That was when it happened Shinra needed a new powerful soldier to use for there army. I was there target, Hojo backstabbed me shortly after Sephiroth’s death. I was working in the lab one day then next thing I know I blank out and when I awaken I find myself tied up to a table strapped up. Hojo had injected me with the cells of a creature from another planet that they found lying dead somewhere on the planet.

He had pushed a needle right into my chest the fluids filled into my heart. Slowly they rushed through my blood stream it was painful I could feel my body changing slowly it was more pain than anybody could take but I held on for about 5 minutes until I went into shock and everything had blanked out. When I awoke I found myself in chains, my body was thrashed beyond belief but somehow I knew things about myself that I couldn’t possibly of known normally I new part of my own future. This wasn’t the last of the experiments though Hojo had injected me several more times with the DNA.

After the 5th injection my body had gained huge amounts of power. I was able to break free and leave Shinra’s head quarters. I ran off out of Midgar, as fast as I could somehow my sword followed me it teleported into my hands. I was confused as to why. From there I ran to the edge of the ocean I used the abilities Sephiroth had taught me to cross it. But I was drained of energy when That happened. From then on I lived alone once again until I would go after my own future that I saw before me….


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