"Can I come Daddy! Please?" Pan pleaded with her father as he stood there fastening his gi. Her mother looked worried and so did her grandmother. Bother her grandfathers also stood there, dressed in their gi's whilst looking just as worried as the women. Gohan sighed and turned to his daughter.

"No Pan! This could be dangerous. You know how dangerous the Saiyan-jin are!" He turned to his father, "Dad? Is Krillin coming with us today?"

"Daddy! I want to come - you know I'm strong. I bet I'm more Saiyan that all those fighters put together!" Pan pouted whilst Krillin and his wife 18 and daughter Marron landed. Krillin's wife had been the creation of an evil Professor, who had turned his creation to good and joined Pan's grandfather, Goku's side when the Saiyan's arrived all those years ago. There were just three of them, but they brought armys. The world was now split by those who chose the Saiyan's, and those who chose the Z fighters.

"Whats up bro?" Krillin asked Goku. 18 looked slightly confused, it was 4 a.m. and they were assembling to go and fight already.

"Trouble on the Northern borders. Whether its Vegeta's work or not we need to go and put it right. Locals say there's about 100," Goku yawned, "Kami! It will be a wonder if I don't fall asleep! Piccolo's staying behind to look after the women. Are you coming 18?"

18 shook her head, "I'll just get in the way at this early hour, I was up late last night."

"Ah..." Goku replied, "Well then off we go! We'll be back soon so try and get some rest!"

"Granddad! Let me come!" Pan whined. Goku sighed and looked over at Gohan who shook his head.

"The battle feild isn't the place for someone as young as you..." he patted his granddaughter on the head, "I would have not made your father and uncle Goten fight if I did not have to. Enjoy your youth." Goku then looked up puzzled, "Speaking of Goten - where is he?"

"Still asleep," Chi-Chi sighed, brushing some of her short black hair behind her ears, "shall I wake him?"

"Let him be..." Goku replied, he walked over and kissed his wife, "We better be going! Come on lets go!"

The group went outside and flew off into the awakening day. Chi-Chi sighed, "Keep safe..."


"This is so boring!" Pan yelled, as she kicked a ball against the wall, "I'm a quarter Saiyan, part of the most powerful race in the universe and I can't even fight!"

"Fightings dull," 18 said from the chair she was resting in outside, Videl, Pan's mother didn't look to happy about her daughter talking about fighting. Piccolo who was in deep meditation near by also opend his eyes to rais an eyebrow at the girl.

"This is duller. We sit here all day sipping tea whilst all the men are out fighting. Women go on about sexism and then they do things like this!" Pan kick the ball too hard and made a dent in the wall. It rebounded off into the forest.

"ARUGH!" Pan yelled angrilly and she ran off to get it.

"Wait Pan I'll come with you!" Marron said runing, after her friend.

"Be careful girls!" Chi-Chi warned softly as she came out of the kitchen with a tea tray.

"Pan has spirit," 18 acknoledged. Chi-Chi nodded.

"What did you expect?" Piccolo asked, "She's a Son - of course she has spirit!"

"I Just hope she doesn't put it to bad use..." Videl said worried.


"Where did that baka ball go?" Pan whined as she serched through the vines and leaves of the shady forest.

"You kicked it pretty hard Pan," Marron sighed, as she pushed apart some leaves. They'd strayed pretty far from the forest now and Pan was agitated that there still was no sign of it.

"Ah its got to be here somewhere!" Pan moaned. Something caught her eye suddenly, and she walked off towards it.

"Maybe we should give up! You have other balls!" Marron said, Pan didn't reply, "Pan-chan?" she turned around to see her friend walking towards something.

"Marron - look at this!" Pan squeeled in delight. She ran her fingers accross the metal fencing.

"Its the Saiyan-jin wall!" yelped Marron, she backed away and hid behind Pan, "We've got to get away..." she snapped.

"Why - this will be more of an adventure!" Pan replied smugly as she began to hover in flight above the ground, "We can go cause a little havok and make it home in time for tea!"

"Pan you know I can't fly!" whimpered Marron, "Don't go!"

"Relax!" Pan reached her hand out to Marron, "I'll lift you over!" she winked at her friend, "It will be fun!"

"No... NO!" Marron replied firmly, "I'm sorry Pan but my mother has a lot of trust in me and I know if I went over that wall she would blow a fuse!" she shook her head and looked at Pan, "What would Videl think?"

Pan snorted, "My mum used to sneak out her room to meet my Dad! I doubt she can stay angry at me for long. Okay Marron you go home, but if they ask tell them I needed some "thinking" time!" Pan sighed.

"Don't make me lie for you!"
"Stop windging!" Pan snapped, "Thats the option!"

Marron turned around and sighed, "Goodbye Pan!" she said, "Don't get hurt... come back soon!" Marron truged off into the forest.

"Yeah, yeah!" Pan replied sarcasticly, she hovered higher and used her abilities to sense ki. There was nothing major about. She hovered higher and landed on the enemy's teritory.

"Cool!" The whole place had a military like layout, many short buildings, with a grand palace at the other side. Pan snuck around the side of a building. Around the other side were two blue alien type things in Saiyan amour. Damn! She'd be seen wearing her normal clothes. Infact she'd probably be seen whatever she wore! Girls didn't fight in this war, and the rare ones who did were usually covered in scares and scratches.

"What to do..." mused Pan, she saw an open door nearby and looked in. An evil smile crossed her face. The food court. She then saw what could only be chemicals also near by. She hopped over and picked a bottle up. A smug grin emerged. Contamination.

Pan lowered her ki and snuck in. A fat cheff began to walk in her direction and she hid amoung some kitchen asccessories.

"Right..." she mumbled, lookng for the first set of food she could contaminate. She glanced over at the fridge and smirked. Whilst no one was looking she ran over opend the fridge and was about to reach for something when she felt someone pull on her arm.

"I think thats quite enough little Miss!" said an angry human guard. Pan froze and dropped the beaker of chemicals, but then smirked again and kicked the poor guy in his nuts. As he rocoiled and Pan chose to make her get away. How stupid had she been - she should have tried to do something more harmful than give them food poisoning! She had to get out now!

"Arugh!" as she flew into the air, two tall purple guards flew behind her and pulled her back. They had her now. No! She wasn't going without a fight. Pan remembered a trick her father had taught her.

"Ka...me..." she yelled pulling free and levitating higher. The guards looked at her in disbelief, there must have been about forty of them now.

"Ha...me..." Pan gathered up more energy, and terror grew in their eyes as they saw what she was going to do.

"HA!" Pan shot the blast out, and killed several of the fighters. She panted for breath, as the others succried off.

"That will be quite enough from you young lady!" a voice haughtilly told her. Pan's expression fell as she turned around. Behind her, levitating like herself were about thirty men.

"Crap..." Pan gulped as one grabbed her and handcufted her hands together.

"How amussing..." said the one who'd spoke before, he had short lavender hair and sparkling blue eyes. He wore black Saiyan amour, and must of been quite a high rank, due to the amout of protection it had around it.

"Whats so funny?" asked Pan. She blew whisps of hair from her face and holding an angry expression.

"That a girl could cause so much damage..." he smiled, "A human girl too! Why I haven't seen this many killed since Videl Satan, and she was protected by that dumb Saiyan-jin." he then walked closer to her, "A right marvel you are..."

"Don't talk about my parents like that!" Pan yelled. The boy looked puzzled, and then started to feel Pan's but.

"WHAT the HELL are you doing?" Pan yelled at him, "I could have you for sexual harrasment." the other guards were ammused by the little comedy act the two were putting on, until the guy finnally reached down Pan's pants and produced a tail.

"Well, well, well missy..." the boy grinned, "you do surprise me! Take her in, I think she could prove to be an extreamly worthy hostage."

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