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GFV3 Universal Century Timeline

In the world of Gundam, it uses the Universal Century (U.C.) as the timing rule. After the space colonization project started, the calendar is changed from A.D. to U.C.. Here are the main events that happen between A.D. 1957 to U.C. 0088:

October 14th, 1957: The Soviet Union is the first to succesfully launch a artificial sattilite into the Space, it is named Sputnik.

April 17th, 1961: The first artificial satillite with humans inside is succesfully launched into the Earth's orbit.

July 20th, 1969: The first space shuttle lands on the moon, it is called Apollo Eleven.

1969: The space coloy idea is announced.

1990: The encroachment of petroleum resources happens, sectional wars occur.

1999: The Earth Federation Goverment is established. The Human Space Colonization Project is announced.

2005: The first solar satellite is placed in orbit.

2009: Earth Federation Force is established.

2026: The Jupiter energy fleet moves to lunar orbit.

2045: The first space colony begins construction at the space of L-1.

Universal Century
U.C. 0001: The space colonization project begins, the calendar is changed from A.D. to U.C.. The population reaches 9 billion on Earth.

U.C. 0027: The first permanent lunar city, Von Braun, is completed.

U.C. 0040: 5 billion people (about 40% of the total population) have migrated to space.

U.C. 0045: The asteroid Juno (aka Lunar 2) is placed in lunar orbit.

U.C. 0050: The Minovsky Physics Society is instituted at Side 3.

U.C. 0055: The total population reaches 11 billion, 9 billion people are space colonizer.

U.C. 0058: The Buffo Conzern is established.

U.C. 0059: Zeon Zum Daikun announces independence of Side 3. Republic of Zeon is established. The national guard is formed.

U.C. 0060: Federation Government enforces economic pressure to Side 3. Earth Federation Space Force (E.F.S.F.) is formed.

U.C. 0062: The federation force launches the 60's Armament Reinforcement Plan (Space Fleet is organized).

U.C. 0068: The Zeon national guard is elevated to national military.

U.C. 0069: Zeon Zum Daikun dies (proved as assassination later). The next chancellor, Degin Sodo Zabi becomes the leader. The Buffo Conzern purchases the name of the old European noble family, Ronah family.

U.C. 0070:
March: Zeon Dukedom is established, and Degin Sodo Zabi becomes Duke. Degin Sodo Zabi enforces dictatorship, the subordinates of Zeon Zum Daikun are banished. The existence of Minovsky particle is proved.
May: The dukedom military successfully experiments the special effect of Minovsky particle.
September: The dukedom military successfully invents the mega particle cannon.
December: Salamis-class cruisers and Magellan-class battleships are commissioned at Federation Space Force.

U.C. 0071: In order to construct Side 7, Lunar 2 is moved to the opposite side of Moon.

U.C. 0072:The dukedom military starts to develop the new mobile weapons under the condition of Minovsky particle. By using the Minovsky physics, the first small fusion reactor is completed. Giren Zabi announces the 'Superior Human Existence Theory'.

U.C. 0073: The dukedom military constructs the midway asteroid base, Axis, in the asteroid belt for the Jupiter energy fleet.

U.C. 0074:
Februry:The dukedom military completes the first robotistic mobile weapon, which is named as Mobile Suit (M.S.) and the model number is MS-01.

U.C. 0075:
May: The dukedom military tests the prototype Mobile Suit, MS-05 Zaku I, which is equipped with Minovsky fusion reactor.
July: The dukedom military tests the combat mass production type Mobile Suit, MS-05 Zaku I.

U.C. 0076: Musai-class light cruisers are commissioned at the Zeon Dukedom military. It can load with Mobile Suits.

U.C. 0078:
January: The dukedom military starts to develop the localized Mobile Suit in order to achieve the Earth invasion.
March: The dukedom military begins to mass-produce the enhanced type of MS-05 Zaku I, MS-06 Zaku II.
May:The federation force secretly starts the development of Mobile Suit. Several weapon developments and intelligence collection of the RX project are begun.
October: Immigration starts to the first incomplete space colony of Side 7.

U.C. 0079:
January 3rd:Zeon Dukedom announces the order of national mobilization in the country. The dukedom military is separated into Space Attack Force and Assault Mobile Force.
January 11th: The One Year War occurs. Zeon Dukedom declares war to Federation Government, and simultaneously assaults Side1, 2 and 4. NBC (Nuclear, Biological and Chemical) weapons are indiscriminatingly used, causes the descension of the space colony and enormously changes Earth's climate.
January 15th: The period between January, 3 to January, 10 is called the One Week War, it causes 3 billion people (about 25% of the total population) die.
January 31st: Side 6 declares neutrality.
February 7th: The Ruum Campaign occurs. The fleet of Federation Space Force is defeated, and the fleet commander, Revil, is captured.
April 1st: The Antarctic Treaty is signed.
May: The dukedom military starts the Earth invasion operation. Units are directly descended from the satellite orbit to North America, Middle America, East Asia and Europe.
June: The federation force launches 'Operation Victory' and 'Vinson Plan'.
July: The space fortress Solomon is finished.
August: The dukedom military establishes the local defense line, which consists of A-Bau-Ku, Solomon and Granada. The Flanagan Agency is established.
September 18th: The federation force masters the technology of energy CAP (capacitor), and succeeds to minimize the beam weapons. The new assault carrier, White Base, enters space, and RX-78-1 Gundam is completed.
October 4th: The federation force begins the final test of Gundam in Side 7. The Augusta base starts the development of RX-78 NT-1 Gundam Alex.
October 6th: - The dukedom military special force assaults Side 7's 1 Bunch colony. The first Mobile Suit combat in history happens inside the space colony. White Base contains the remainder Mobile Suits and departs to Jaburo base in South America.
November 7th: Earth Attack Force commander, Garma Zabi dies in the New York city's battle.
November 9th: Giren Zabi announces the worldwide oration.
November 30th: The federation force starts 'Operation Odessa'.
December 9th: The federation force wins the battle of 'Operation Odessa', and the battle balances the military powers on both sides.
December 14th: The dukedom military begins the fall operation to Jaburo. The attack operation on Jaburo base fails.
December 24th: The dukedom military special force, Cyclops Unit, assaults the Arctic base of the federation force in Alaska.
December 30th: The federation force launches 'Operation Star One'.
December 31st: The battle of Solomon begins. The dukedom military is frustrated. Space Attack Force commander, Dozul Zabi dies in the battle.

U.C. 0080:
January 1st: The dukedom military launches 'Operation Solar Ray'. Duke Degin Sodo Zabi dies from the Solar System and the federation force loses the Revil fleet.
January: The battle of A-Bau-Ku begins. Giren Zabi and Kishiria Zabi die inside the fortress. A-Bau-Ku is occupied, and the federation force wins the battle. The fleet of Aiguille Delaz withdraws from the battle front.
March: The One Year War ends. Earth Federation Government and Republic of Zeon conclude a peace treaty on the moon; the draft treaty signs in Anman and then formally signs in Granada.

U.C. 0081:
March 28th: Lieutenant General Aiguille Delaz convenes the remnants of Zeon Dukedom who refuse to go to asteroid Axis, and forms the new fleet.
May 5th: The Delaz fleet moves to the space of asteroid reefs and re-constructs its forces at the 'Thorn Garden' base.
September 17th: The remnants of Zeon Dukedom reach the asteroid base, Axis.
October 20th: The wife of Dozul Zabi, Zena, dies from illness at Axis.

U.C. 0083:
March: Anavel Gato is back to the Delaz fleet, and is promoted as Major.
July 30th: As part of the federation force re-construction plan, Anaheim Electronics Inc. secretly launches the 'Gundam Development Project'.
September 9th: Aiguille Delaz fears the power of the federation force become strong, and plans to have an anti-federation operation.
September 11th: The plan of 'Operation Stardust' is drafted.
October 13th: The leader of Axis, Maharaja Karn, dies.
October 14th: 16-year-old Haman Karn is inaugurated as the regent of Mineva Lao Zabi, she agrees the policy of the Delaz fleet and assents to give assistance.
October 23rd: Albion reaches the Torrington base. Anavel Gato extorts GP02A and its MK-82 nuclear warhead.
October 31st: Anavel Gato with GP02A escapes to Africa, Albion starts pursuit.
November 10th: Anavel Gato and GP02A reach the Kimberlite base, which is instituted by the remnants of Zeon Dukedom. GP02A escapes to orbit by using the HLV (Heavy-lift Launch Vehicle).
November 11th: The Delaz fleet announces the worldwide war declaration.
November 12th: The first federation force military review in four years is attacked by the Delaz fleet. The Cima fleet hijacks two space colonies, when they are transported in the midway. Two space colonies crash, one of them drops to moon.
November 13th: The Delaz fleet receives the Mobile Armour, Noie Ziel, from the advance unit of Axis. The Delaz fleet uses the transport laser beam from lunar orbit to ignite the space colony's thrusters. The descending path of the space colony is changed to the Earth-bound orbit.
November 23rd: The federation force uses the Solar System II, intends to stop the descension of the space colony but fails.
December 4th: The space colony passes through the sky of Jaburo in South America, and descends on the North America continent. The advance unit of Axis evacuates. Anavel Gato dies in the battle. U.C. 0084:
March 10th: The military court starts the examinations for the 'Delaz Conflict'. Colonel Eiphar Synapse is decided the death sentence. First Lieutenant Kou Uraki is decided the penal servitude.
September 21st: Under the advocation of Jamitov Hymen, Titans is established, and intensely arrests remnants from the Zeon Dukedom military. U.C. 0086:
February 6th: The truth of the space colony descension and the Gundam Development Project are deleted from the official computer records. Judgements for all participants are also canceled. U.C. 0087:
March 2nd: Char Aznable returns to the Earth sphere, and obtains the federation force military register from an illegal way.
April 29th: Titans pumps the G-3 toxic gas into Side 1's 30 Bunch colony, and kills all inhabitants. This event is called the 'Thirty Bunch Incident'. Anti Earth United-nation Government (A.E.U.G.) is established from this intense action.
May 11th: Asteroid Axis moves to the Earth sphere.
June 8th: A.E.U.G. steals Titans' 3 prototype Mobile Suits at Green Noal 1.
June 29th: The last Jupiter energy transport ship, Jupitris, returns to the Earth sphere.
August 10th: A.E.U.G. attacks the federation force base, Jaburo. The base is destroyed by a nuclear time bomb, which is installed in the base before. A.E.U.G. meets the force of Kalaba.
August 16th: Titans moves Gryps 2 and the former A-Bau-Ku at the space of Lunar 2, in order to complete the Gate of Sedan.
August 17th: Titans attacks Hong Kong city.
August 24th: Titans launches 'Operation Apollo', and occupies Von Braun City.
September 21st: Federation Government Assembly passes the new legislation, that hugely raises the power of Titans.
October 12th: The leader of A.E.U.G., Brigadier General Blex Forer is assassinated.
October 14th: Titans attempts to drop the space colony to Granada but fails.
October 15th: Titans intends to attack Side 2's 25 Bunch colony with the G-3 toxic gas but fails.
November 2nd: Asteroid Axis reaches the Earth sphere.
November 16th: A.E.U.G. sends an ambassador team to Axis, but the negotiation fails.
December 7th: Titans unites the force of Axis.
December 14th: The alliance of A.E.U.G. and Kalaba attacks the federation force base in Kilimanjaro.

U.C. 0088
January 18th: A.E.U.G. occupies the Federation Force Assembly in Dakar, and denounces the vileness of Titans before the worldwide broadcast.
January 25th: Titans uses the colony laser cannon from Gryps 2 to destroy Side 2's 18 Bunch colony.
February 2nd: Titans attacks Side 2's 21 Bunch colony with the G-3 toxic gas, all inhabitants die.
February 20th: Axis destroys the old A-Bau-Ku at Gate of Sedan and occupies Gryps 2. Asteroid Axis moves to the Granada-bound orbit.
February 22th: Negotiations of Titans and Axis rupture. Jamitov Hymen is assassinated, Paptimus Scirocco becomes the leader of Titans. A.E.U.G. launches 'Operation Maelstrom', uses the fleet battle to occupy Gryps 2, and successfully changes the orbit of the asteroid Axis. A.E.U.G., Titans and Axis begins the fleet battle at the space of Gryps 2. A.E.U.G. uses the colony laser cannon to destroy the fleet of Titans. - Gryps 2 is destroyed by itself and A.E.U.G. loses over half of its forces. Char Aznable is missing.