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[::Hearts Through the Haze:: by Gala-Chan] [Ramblings of the Muse] [FanFics] [Character Bios] [E-Mail Gala-Chan]

UPDATE: 08.17.03
I believe all the e-mail links have been corrected. They should all direct you to sorry bout that, to the people trying to contact me. And contrary to what some may believe, I am writing and will be updating when I get a moments peace to organize the chaos that is my life. In the meantime, I did lose my old e-mail account, so if you were on the old mailing list, or would like to be added, e-mail me at the new account and lemme know.

E-mail me and tell me what's up, or you can catch me on AIM under the visage BishesAndBondage. Feel free to IM me anytime on that name, that's what its for! till then...

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