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New Rules for Yu-Gi-Oh! the cost of 5 life points a card you can chose to use a monster's effect. can make a god card by offering 500 life points. 3.You can make an ultimate dragon by giving your opponent 3 cards and 1000 life points.LIGHT 4.get 8 cards from you opponent's deck by fusing Nobleman Of Crossout,baby dragon and thosand dragon.Million Dragon ATK/3600Def/3900.WIND fuse SKULL RED BIRD and WASTELAND to make ALL BIRDS' RIVAL.ATK/5700DEF/4980.EARTH 5.Mystic elf CAN Protect any card on the field. 6.fuse trap hole,driving snow,and nobleman of crossout to make the permanent cold only works on your opponent. 7.Make A MYTHIC DRAGON by fusing curse of dragon and salamandra.ALL game automatically by using 3 gamble and you have to guess what its going to land on each turn. 9.make the Red Eyes B. Skull by fusing RED EYES and B SKULL.effect:when this monster is summoned on the field your opponent cant summon any monsters with more than 800 attack and 700 defense .any monsters with more than that is destroyed even if it was summoned before this.your opponent cant activate any magic or traps for the remainder of the game.ATK/9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999DEF/49807897897897890789789789789789789789789789789789789789.BY THE WAY I MADE UP THESE RULES AND polymerzation needed.DARK/EARTH. 10.make MR. WATER ELEMENT by using baby dragon and red archery girl.ATK/infinityDEF/infinity.WATER. 11.create the SUPER SOLDIER by Fusing Science Soldier and Gradious.ATK/2300def/2300 ???type. 12.Make all letters of the D.E.A.T.H. message(not all in one turn) by wasting your turn to have any monster on your side of the field attack your life points.All letters lets you win game automattically.If one is destroyed all goes with them. 13.Make MASTER OF DRAGON KNIGHT by using b.skull dragon blue eyes and baby dragon on the field.ATK/5000 DEF/5000. MY RULE IS THAT YOU CAN'T PLAY WIH DIRECT DAMAGE TO PLAY WITH MY RULES. 14.Make the ultimate HELL'S PASS PIRATE by using armored zombie and malovement nuzzler.Atk/2900def/2000.