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Items and Weapons

Here are the items and weapons. This is the part of the rpg where you can either buy your weapoms or create your Gundam or MS with weapons. The double * weapons are weapons you can choose to equip your m.s. or mobile suit w/.


Zero System: The sytem that hightens all pilot stats, BUT it could cost u your sanity. Raises stats 3x's when you use the mobile suit w/ the zero system. $25,000 each

Zero System 2.0: The Zero Sytem that is installed in the Wing Zero Custom. Raises pilot abilities 5x's when you use the mobile suit installed w/ the Zero Sytem.$50,000

Mobile Doll System: These are mostly used on m.s. for base defense but, you can bring one mobile doll m.s. into battle w/ you. M.S. ONLY!! $50,000


Socom- A powerful semi-automatic hand gun that is used when you need to get out a tight situation during missions.Pilot use only.$20,000

Surpresor- Attatch this to any gun and make it silent when you shoot.Pilot use only.$5,000

FAMAS Assault Rifle- A good gun used to mess some one up. Not used when you wanna stay unnoticed. Pilot use only. $35,000

Chaff Grenade- A mechanical grenade that short circuits anything electronical for a certain amount of time. Pilot use only.$10,000 each.

Psg-1 Sniper Rifle- A long range rifel usefull for picking someone off with out getting noticed. Pilot use only. $50,000

C-4- A plastique explosive that does major damage to anything you put it on. Pilot use only.$30,000

Nakita Rocket Launcher- A unique rocket launcher that lets you guide the missle around to any target you want. Does MAJOR damage when it hits. Pilot use only. $120,000


Beam Rifle** Price:10,000 Damage:-100 armor

Vulcan Gun** Price:8,000 Damage:-90 armor

Shield Price:20,000 Damage:-150 armor

Beam Cannon Price:100,000 Damage:-225 armor

Flamethrower Price:20,000 Damage:-150 armor

Buster Sheild Price:100,000 Damage:-250

Machine Cannon Price:20,000 Damage:-125 armor

MicroMissles** Price:155,000 Damage:-300 armor

Homing Missles Price:150,000 Damage:-350 armor

Gatling Gun Price:80,500 Damage:-125 armor

Crush Shield Price:150,500 Damage:-350 armor

Beam Spray Gun** Price:5,000 Damage:-70 armor

Missles** Price:125,000 Damage:-280

Beam Machine Gun** Price:100,000 Damage:-120 armor

Dober Gun Price:120,750 Damage:-190 armor

105mm Rifle Price:90,700 Damage:-110 armor

Bazooka** Price:100,800 Damage:-120 armor

Beam Saber Price:110,000 Damage:-150 armor

Mega-Cannon Price:250,000 Damamge:-450 armor

Drill Torpedo Price:155,000 Damage:-280 armor

Sniper Rifle Price:170,000 Damage:- 350 armor

Smoke Grenades Price:20,000 Damage:- 0 armor

Neo Gundanium Gauntlets Price:$200,000 Damage:- 400 armor

Plasma Sword Price:150,000 Damage:- 200 armor

Hyper Beam Bazooka Price:$400,000 Damage:- 580 armor

Heat Serpent Price:$120,000 Damage:- 195 armor

Gundanium Double-head Battle Axe Price:$300,000 Damage:- 450 armor

Hyper Mega Cannon Price:$550,000 Damage:- 832 armor

Hyper Energy Sword Price:$300,000 Damage:- 600 armor

Mega Beam Rifle Price:$450,000 Damage:- 510 armor