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My Opinions




            I guess I must warn you that the opinions on this page could, and probably will contain some adult language, and that it can, and probably will, offend some people. So, so no one can get mad at me, this is a warning!!!! You are viewing this area by your own free will. I, in no way, forced you to view this. If you do not wish to view this then please click here and you will be brought back to my home page. But if you don’t care or want to know what I have to say than by all means, scroll down.









            I’m sure that I’m not the first person to gripe about this issue but I do have some opinions on it.  This month’s opinion is on the crisis with IRAQ and what we are going to do about it. Frankly I could care less about what we do or how we do it. That’s right; I don’t care whether we turn the earth there to glass or if we just watch from afar. No, the part I can’t stand is how our government is simply sitting in there chairs arguing over whether we should bomb Iraq or not do anything. This argument is taking up way to much time, do they have any idea how many tax dollars that they are wasting quibbling with everyone under the sun abut this. I don’t know if you’ve noticed congress but while you have your gaze set squarely on Iraq, right behind you the economy of your own country is turning into dirt! The people of this country are falling deeper and deeper into economic death as you hover your finger above the button! I don’t know what your trying to pull but this suspense soap opera that you are having is killing us, flip a coin or something! That’s all it really comes down to isn’t it? We strike or not, that’s the bottom line. I am sick to death of hearing how another person decided to stand up and say “hey you shouldn’t do that. We to are suspicious that Iraq has weapons of death, but you could be doing this prematurely. So, here is the simple solution, have a coin and flip it. Heads bomb, Tails take your mind off Iraq and help bring the US out of this slump, wasn’t that the original plan?







If you have anything you want me to post my opinion about then e-mail me at my home page, since I have no life I’ll probably write it up. Thanks for hearing what I have to say.





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