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Writings on the Wall

Quote of the Week:

[the Reds and Blues negotiate a unique terms of surrender, in which the Blues will send over the Medic, Frank Dufresne, in exchange for Grif, on behalf of the Reds, declaring how much he sucks]
Sarge: Get on with it, Grif.
Grif: [exasperated sigh] I would just like to let everyone know that I suck.
Church: And?
Grif: [with heavy hesitation] And that I'm a girl.
Church: What else?
Grif: [in a hesitant tone] And I like ribbons in my hair, and I want to kiss all the *boys*.
Sarge: This may be the best surrender of all time.


Sunday February 19 2006

And then, I came back to life. Alright heres the deal: I deleted most of the mp3 pages since they're all a waste of time. The only mp3's I'm gonna worry about on this site are gonna be the DDR one's, since those seem to have the biggest fan base, and with-in the next few days, I'll get around to some para para mp3's. What do u guys think? What para para songs should I upload. Should I even bother? As of right now ALL of the DDR mp3's work, I fixed them and uploaded new ones, and I'm still in the process of uploading more. Thanx to all those who have remained fans, promise I'll make it up to u! Love u guys! xoxo

Saturday December 25 2004

Merry Christmas Guys! Well, I figured since I’m such a slacker, and people still loyally visit my little site, that I should update. Now, don’t have a heart attack on me. I’m sure your thinking, ‘whaaat? she never updates!’. Well, folks, this is true, BUT, it is Chirstmas, and I figured this would be my little present from me-to you. Thank you guys for visiting my site, it really does mean alot to me. Now for the updates : I have uploaded about 40MB of more DDR. Yeah, you read that right. If you guys keep coming here, I’ll be sure to keep adding more. But as of now, I’m pretty sure I have the most DDR mp3s available on a site, that actually work. Go me. Have a Great Chirtmas Y’all. Love, Tarrin

Tuesday June 1 2004

Well, i updated and it's thanks to the people, Lime and Allie, who actually added stuff to my opinion box, and convinced me that people still actually come here. well, just for you i added a 4th page of DDR music, mostly from the DDR Max 2 game and the arcade machine. I may add a 5th page but i'm not sure what to ad, any DDR sugestions of songs you'd like? hopefully angelfire will let me keep em up. get em while they're there. thanks again guys!

Wed. May 5 2004 - I finally started to update again, and hopefully will continue to do so. But dun hold me to it, I'm very ADD, and this site stuff gets real old, real quick.
And it doesn't help that angelfire has declared war on me, and continuosly takes down mp3's as soon as I put them up. As of now, the only downloads that seem to be uneffected by their reign of terror is the episodes and jpop mp3's, but dun ask me why. well, whatever, more to come I hope.

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Sweet sonets of the wind,
glide over childhood dreams,
Carried by shooting stars,
these dreams turn into hopes,
then forgoten memories.
Time slips by,
and all that your left with is powdered chalk an cracking paint.
..........These are the Writings on the Wall..........
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I don't own any of the anime on this site or the Mp3's , the only things that are mine is my character Noa Maxwell, My Fanfic, Captain Talk, my fanart and the pics of my friends. Everything else belong to their respected owners, yada yada yada, ect.