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Quatre Raberba Winner

Age: 16
Ethnic Origin: Arabian
Place Of Origin: L4 Colony Cluster
Height: 156 cm
Weight: 41 kg
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Platinum Gold

With his father's death, the noble and gentle Quatre has become the head of the Winner family, and is using his family's resources to help rebuild after the widespread destruction of the great war. He remains the moral center of the group of Gundam pilots, and he's persuaded all but one of his comrades to join him in getting rid of the Gundams in the name of peace. But with a new war approaching, it it possible that Quatre has over-reacted and made a fatal mistake?
In my opinion, Quatre is an okay guy. One thing, all the other Gundam pilots have girlfriends-but all Quatre has is his sisters...that is one reason I kinda feel sorry for the guy. In the end of the Endless Waltz OVA, all the other pilots are rejoicing with their girlfriends-and Quatre is rejoicing with is Maganac buds. Although, if Quatre was a real guy, I bet all you girls out there who have Quatre shrines would go ga-ga over him. I've seen your websites people.
Taken from Gundam Official