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Nova Strike's Closet

Yo, welcome to my closet.... It'll run on Netscrape or Explorer, but it prefers Explorer. Though, if you can see the thing working, then Kudos to that. Atleast your visiting.

AAAAHHHH! HI! WELCOME TO MY CLOSET! The cheesiest site this side of just about anything. '_' But I like it. What is the closet? It's the index to all of my websites combined. Cheesy but effective. It's easier for me to maintain all my sites on one server, anyhoo. @_@ I might tend to ramble, and my sites aren't quite like others. I'm odd that way. Live with it. :P Anyhow, click a link below. Then avoid flaming my sorry ass.

News and Junk - The hunt for Red October, er, I mean, a Mascot Continues! Got ideas? Then get off you tuckus and submit! >:P In other news that's totally unimportant, (Bullshit) I'm Table-izing everything for more conveniance. Huzzah. Anyone wanna make banners? I'll give you a cookie...

Wufei Tormentors Corps District 12
Irregular Hunter Headquarters 2.0Perpetual Nova (I'm on staff.)
Fanart (Coming.. Someday...) (Look for my fanfics)
CliquesContact Me!
Shinkoudenski Nova Strike (AKA: My Journal/Soapbox)This Space For Rent.

Uhm... Shinies.
Yes, I support Freedom. :):
[Flag Campaign icon]
Support freedom

x.o;; Xellos made me do it!: ||^_^|| That.. Is.. A secret.

people have dared enter my corner of Hammerspace since 8/10/01.
This site is in no way associated with Sunrise, Bandai, or any other company like dat. That's cause we're just fans who obsess over Giant Robots. This site is also not affiliated with Capcom. We can't claim rights to their characters, we just fantasize about it. Then create our own characters. Our characters belong to each respective owner. Theft equeals nasty little emails. All characters except mine used with permission. OK, enough legal jargon. Give me my bishounen. :] *Juno, Gatz, Geetz, Treize, Char, and Bright hide before the mass glomping begins*