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Windows Nuke it! Version 1.0


A real fast nuker completely written in assembly laguage. Nuke it! allows you to hide your identity by spoofing your IP address
(this feature is available only on Win2K). Also, you can pause your nuke so that you can check if your victim is still there; otherwise, you can resume just right where you left.
With Nuke it! you can instantly quit your nuke at any time, at any state (non-blocking).


1 - ) Fastes - Smaller
2 - ) Pause - Resume
3 - ) Non-Blocking
4 - ) IP Spoofing (Only W2K)
5 - ) Error controls
6 - ) Packets per Second

1 - ) Faster - Smaller
Nuke it! was completely written in Assembly; so the program has a fast execution and a real small size!

2 - ) Pause - Resume
With Nuke it!, you can pause your nuke so that you can check if your victim is still there; otherwise, you can resume just right where you left.

3 - ) Non-Blocking
Most of the Nukers get blocked while trying to send a great amount of data; in consequence, the user is unable to cancel the nuke if necessary. With Nuke it! you can instantly quit your nuke at any time, at any state!

4 - ) IP Spoofing (Only Win2000)
Nuke it! allows you to hide your identity by spoofing your IP; so, if your victim has some Anti-Nuke utility, he won't certainly know where the nuke's packets are coming from!

5 - ) Error controls
Most of the Nukers do not properly control the values introduced by the user; as a result, the packets sent may have fields with unpredictable values. Nuke it! has effective errors control routines that guarantee the data sent is perfectly defined!

6 - ) Packets per Second
Nuke it! allows you to specify the number of packets you want to send per second. The time is measured just when data starts being sent. If the time expires (this is, a second has passed and the current amount of packets has not been completely sent, maybe because the SO is still busy, etc), Nuke it! waits for the previous data to be completely sent, and then will immediatly continue sending the next amount of packets and the time starts being measured again. This way, Nuke it! balances the time you wait for data to be sent (it's recommended for most of the users to specify a number of 60 packets per second).


Some ISPs don't let data reaches the Internet if a different network prefix in the spoofed source IP is detected. So you should specify a spoofed source IP with the same network prefix as your current IP, but with a different Host ID.

For example, suppose your IP is; you can specify a spoofed IP like: or like, etc

In Blue: Network Prefix
In Red: Host ID
I really hope you enjoy it!

Note: to test the IP Spoofing ability, you must be on line.

Nuke it!  Windows Version 1.0  [12.5KB]
Complete Source code Nukeit!  [45KB]