(copy and paste) Thanks for helping out in the Deckmaster Play Test. For reference here are the rules as of now. (some rules inspired by chaosx7x) When the duel starts you search your deck for your deckmaster.... they have been labeled with 4 letters dmpp which should stand out from the other sets. All deckmasters may be "Special Summoned" to the field. There is only one difference , -- Deckmasters with 1800 or less ATK may be special summoned at any time. -- Deckmasters with 1900 - 2450 may be summoned on your 3rd turn. -- Deckmasters with 2500 and over may be summoned to the field on your 5th turn. (all these rules may be different if the card says so) you may summon your Deckmaster at anytime after it is okay to. The minimum of your card deck SHOULD be 42 1 for your deck master, and 1 for the "normal" deckmaster so you can use them as reference when you special summon the monster. What you do is if you select to put it into your deck you should say so in the beginning of the duel, search for it, and remove if it from play (you may not bring it back by miracle dig) You can't use the deckmaster's usual effect until it is special summoned to the field. --- When your Deckmaster is destroyed you lose the duel --- If you are using your deckmaster, you can't put it into your deck as a regular monster even if it is not restricted. --- Deckmasters are removed from the game when destroyed. These people all deserve applause for helping with deckmasters I will be sure to come up with a prize for them. Cickoandjackie 2000 (Witch's Apprentice), Duxisme (Servant of Catabolism) Ophiocus (Man-Eater Bug) Airknight (Airknight Parshath) Mai4 (Harpie Lady, Dark Necrofear) Ultimuus (Fiber Jar) rafaelsanchez201 (Giant Soldier of Stone) Marik The Insane (Shining Abbyss) And thanks to everyone who put in deckmasters, there were ALOT and i'm in finals so please wait i may have missed some and i will probably take a look at mudora and dreamsprite again.... i am not sure if i put it in. Have fun! please try to use these, and if you like you can message me on AIM and duel with deckmasters..... This is to find out any broken comboes or things that were not intended for play, message me on aim, or email me at with any problems or errors. Thanks!, 100 deck masters soon, and when that happens it's time for a tournament. and also i could use a opinion on putting deck master ability names on the cards. CYA!!!!
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