"This page honors all veterans who served and died in Dak To, Vietnam and were attached to the 299th Combat Engineers, as well as those valient soldiers who have passed since the Vietnam War". It is requested that any errors or omissions to the Roll of Honor be directed to Rick Noyes at: rnoyes2@stny.rr.com

Lest we forget
299th Roll of Honor

"Company A -299th Combat Engineers - Killed in Action"
Rank Name Date PFC William COX 10/13/66 1LT Gerald W. CAMERON 06/23/69 SP4 Monty JONES 06/23/69 SP4 Ronald P. RUSSELL 03/04/69 SSGT David W. DASH 05/01/70

"Headquarters Company - 299th Combat Engineers
Killed In Action"
Rank Name Date LTC Domingo Ignacio AGUILAR 12/08/67 1LT Thomas Michael TROTTER 06/01/69 SGT Paul P. POTTER 11/28/68 SP4 Stephen Joseph PEONIO 06/01/69

"Delta Company - 299th Combat Engineers
Killed In Action"
Rank Name Date PFC Joseph Anthony MOTT 06/07/69 SGT Richard Lawrence DELANEY 06/07/69 SP4 Philip Duane BURFOOT 06/07/69 SP4 Robert James ROBINSON 06/23/69

"15th Engineers (L.E.) - Killed in Action"
Rank Name Date PFC Lavern Michael LAMEY 03/05/69 PFC Larry Gene LACAEYSE 03/05/69 SP4 Donovon Russell FLUHARTY 05/20/69 1LT Franklin Leroy KOCH 05/28/69 1SGT Dudley James BENEFIEL, Jr. 05/28/69 SFC Luther Rives PERKINS 05/28/69 SP5 James Stephen COLOMERO 05/28/69 SP5 James G. SHRADER 05/12/70 SP4 Floyd Edward BARBER 05/28/69 SP4 Valentine Marion DWORNIC 05/28/69 SP4 Edward Thomas KIEZKOWSKI 05/28/69 SP4 David Roy MANN 05/28/69 SP4 Dennis Ray MEETZE 05/28/69 SP4 Gerald Duane STONEMETZ 01/08/69 SP4 Raymond OTTMERS 08/23/67

The following members of attached 299th - Dak To, have passed through the unseen portals since their service with HONOR in the Republic of South Vietnam: Lest we forget

"Headquarters Company 299th Combat Engineers"

Rank Name Date SP4 Roy HAMPTON 2/11/07 SP4 James DEATON 10/22/08


Rank Name Date Cpt Robert M. FAXON 12/13/02 1LT George V. MALGREN III 07/01/85 1SGT Harry CARTER 09/20/84 1SGT Donald J. HILL 02/01/97 PLT SGT Frederick C. PUSHEE 02/15/99 SFC Lanford D. WILSON 09/12/00 SGT George LYNCH 06/20/94 SGT Melvin D. STAMM 06/21/98 SP5 Steven G. FUENTES 01/06/91 SP5 Brian GIMA 10/29/98 SP5 Dennis J. HERREN 07/01/78 SP4 Ronald ANDERSON 10/06/99 SP4 Aubrey BENTON 08/28/96 SP4 Robert C. COURTNEY 08/12/00 SP4 John T. DAGGY 05/27/97 SP4 Lewis D. LANIER 07/29/96 SP4 Richard W. LEMASTER 01/01/92 SP4 Isaac T. LEMON 03/25/02 SP4 Jack J. MANCKIA 12/14/01 SP4 Freddy D. REDMON 08/09/94 SP4 Tommy A. SAWYER 06/01/74 SP4 Danny A. STANCIL 03/25/96 SP4 James P. VERRAN SP4 Richard L. WEAVER 05/01/85 SP4 Richard B. SMITH 05/06/02 PFC Alvin M. BROWN 10/21/82 PFC Felix CHEESBOROUGH 01/01/87 PFC John G. CUMMING III SGT Patrick HUKILL 10/01/08 SP4 Charles TUTTLE 11/25/07 SGT Carl REICHENBACH 02/25/07 SP5 John TIHANSKI Sr. 04/05/09

"15th Engineers (L.E.)"


They shall not grow old as we that are left grow old age shall not weary them nor the years condem at the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them