Gundam Girls Page!!!

Hey everyone!! Welcome to the second page of my website! This page is pretty much focused on the gundam girls, Dee, Arica, Jess, Oni and myself.

I think we will start off with talking about Arika Yuy, or as she was once known as Arika Maxwell...yes thats right our Arika is a don't have a heart attack....shes not always as silent and hell bent on killing things as her boyfriend..Heero, *shudder* hard to belive aint it? Well belive it!!!!..and i don't really know what Heero and Arika do for fun...and frankly...i don;t think anyone does..*ducks as a shoe comes flying at her head*

Next up is Delenia Maxwell, Da baby Shinigami!!...(oh yeah for those of you who don't know. Shinigami is The God or Goddess in this case of..yup you guessed it DEATH!!..Shes like the cutest thing i've ever been friends with. and heres another heart attack helper for ya folks...SHES A YUY!!! *5 or so odd people fall down and start twitching...others just look on in strange ness ness ness* Yes i know it is very hard to belive because delly is fun and happy and everything like her hottie boyfriend Duo...very unlike her big brother Heero..well shes not like that....too nice...or is she? Dee likes to hang out with Duo's with Duo..braid Duo's hair...and hang out with Dabsy..oh yeah!! and have "Fun" with Duo to *winks an grins*

Next up is Jessamyn Barton, proud owner and sex toy of the infamouse Trowa Barton, or as some people know him as the silent clown. She can be loud....annoying and somtimes pisses the hell outta everyone she knows but yeah who cares right????? Shes just as tough and rough as the rest of us....well maybe not arica but you know what i mean....shes an alright girl once you get to know her..shes what alot of u G-girls...sept arika and oni call mom :) WE LOVE YOU MOMMA!!! she enjoys playing with Trowa every chance she gets...and i don't mean a friendly game of two hand touch *winkwinknudgenudge*
Next up is Dabria Blackrose Winner. Shes the oldest of the gundam girls...married to the very sweet...annnnd very rich Quatre Raberbra Winner. She doesn't act like a rich most rich people do...gets sick of things like Quatre's little army of dudes...her stupid little brother Wufei...and having to listen to Heero say Oma O Karsu every 5 minuets of the day. She enjoys things like...watching the stars with Quatre..hanging out with and watching the back of her best friend Dee

and Last but not least is the only girl sane enough to have married Wufei Chang....Oni Chang..the half sister of Heero Yuy. The funny thing about she and Wufei getting together is...she whipped his butt reallllly good in karate....heehee mr. I'm the best Chang was beaten by what he says is a "weak onna" hee hee stupid wufei as dabsy would say..she likes practising and beating Wufei at sword play, drinking and "other" things what we won;t mention at this time...
well ya'll...that about sums up the gundam girls without having to go and tell their entire life story.. so this is Kristen the wonder kitten signing off!!!!

The gundam Girls!!

  • Arica Yuy- Perfect Solider?
  • Oni Chang- Solitary Dragon?? NAH!!!
  • Delenia Maxwell- Baby Shinigami!
  • Jess Barton- The Crazy Clown
  • Dabria Winner- The arabian Bitch!

These are My places

Great Graphics and Cute Dolls!
Where the pets are!
