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    Welcome to the Capsule Contests. The Contests are a great way to win prizes. Many people say they need codestones and dubloons, or other items, well in these contests you have a chance of winning those for free!!.Remember the amount of money the guild has, the better the prizes can be, So always check how much money the guild has, its on the main page, its nice to know. Usualy in a  contest I will tell you the rewards. But for now enjoy the contests. and if you have any suggestions for contests neomail neofighter520

Capsule Corporation President - Neofighter520

Image of the Month

Stunned Goku :: DBZ Submited by Anime Dreamz


Site of the Month


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Welcome to Capsule Corporation - Latest Contests

Recruiting Contest
Members that bring 5 members to the guild, receive a mystical codestone, every 5 people you bring to the guild you get a mystical codestone. You must prove some way that those members where brought to the guild by you.
neomail neofighter520 If you've gotten 10 members already

Banner Contest

Now you can win codestones and faeries for just making one banner. Make a banner. Send it to, or put it somewhere I can see it. After that I willput it in the banner section, and I will send you a codestone or faerie. Buttons are very popular and I am looking for those also. Especailly animated buttons that move. If you make a set; banner, button, & animated button, then you will receive 5 codestones, paid by me personally. So if your creative get cracking on photoshop, fireworks, or whatever image editing tool you use.

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Coming soon:
Mystery Pic