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From Dragonball GT To G Gundam I Have Brought The Ultimate Info Site Ever !

Japanese Animation Has Come To You Before Your Eyes With This Site ! Here Are Some Shows That I Have Brought Info For :

My Favorite Web Sites

Here Is A G Gundam Page With Some Special Info On Episodes And More !
Here Is A Special G Gundam Page With 3D Pics Of All Your Favourite G Gundam Characters ! I Made The Pics Myself !!!
Here Is The Grand Opening Of The #1 Story Of All : Mira-GT-Gundam
Here Is The SECOND SEASON Of The Best TV Series Ever: "Mira-GT-Gundam" !!!

Thank You For Visiting My Site ! And If You (As In The World Out There)Have ANY Info On G Gundam Fight 14.......Please E-mail Me Telling me Where You Found It And How At This I WOULD REALLY APPREACIATE IT !
