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future home of The Poltergeist Report

Greetings, my name is Cye Maiham(pronouced mayham)A.K.A. Cooper Love in the past this site was The Repair Hanger. well no more. angelfire deleted all my stuff so im starting over. This page will be the jumping point of The Poltergeiist Report. Ok for thoughs of you how don't know about The Poltergeist Report was my "weekly" news letter about the anime and gaming world. now its a "website" (its just a webpage for now but i hope it grows). And for now this site is guarded by Mahoro so don't try anything or she will get on your case. Any who, I don't own any animes or claim to own them.

My Least Favorite things about Angelfire.

My Personal Links

The Anipike
Strange Candy
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The Anime News Network
This is a great place to find AMVs
