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I have no clue what I'm doing right now, but I'll work on it. Yes my site sucks ass, but hopefully not forever. I'd say enjoy, but there's nothing here. So go the hell away! I don't want your pity! ...I mean thanks for visiting.

Against my better judgement I even put up a visitor counter. Y'know, so I know how many people *aren't* coming to my site.

Thanks for stopping by! The site won't be lame forever! Really!



Happy New Year! Sorry I've been gone for so long... I've been at university. That means I'm kinda busy and probably won't update much. Or be able to write much, so... probably nothing from me until the summer, if anyone is actually reading this, which I doubt.
Finally! I put up some of my artwork! Only a bit so far, I don't have much time right now, but more will follow. PLEASE check it out and tell me what you think!

The 8th and final chapter of 'An Evening Out' is now up! I also took down 'The Heist' because re-reading it, I discovered that it was a load of crap. Why didn't anyone tell me?!

Anyway, my interest in 'A Good Man is Hard to Find...' has been rekindled so I may post that at sometime. I've started a HP fic too that I might put up soon. I'm not sure if I like it yet...

Coming Soon...

* More of my own fiction

* Maybe some vids I've made

* Some pictures I've drawn (anime)! I'm quite the artist you know. Kinda.

Feel free to write me:

I am not a happy person. I don't like life,
I am always in pain, and I need it to go away.
I wish someone would understand.

What Goddamnit song are you?

jack growl ropey
Aye, you are "Human hair. From my back."
Sometimes you don't make any sense at all, but
largely others find that charming. You are not
very sure of yourself, so it's tough for people
to take you seriously.

Which one of Captain Jack Sparrow's bizarre sayings from Pirates of the Caribbean are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

rebecca_84 got their Neopet at

Things to look at

My Fanfiction. Woo!
My pick of the *best fics* out there. Oh yes.
My Artwork!
My Profile at

About Me
