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I dun know if you've heard or not but, SPECIALISTS CENTRAL WENT DOWN!  I'm gonna kill them.  Anywho, I made compiled my first model and I even skinned.  I did a crappy job on the skinning but I wanted to see the exciting conclusion of Freaky Friday.  Which leads me to my next thought.  So I was watching Face/off the other day and I was like, "Man, if Freaky Friday was more like Face/off, I bet it woulda done a whole lot better."  Which is true.  Also, a while back I added a comments section for you guys to flame me with, but you know it's all good.  Anyways, that's all I got maybe I'll go get a puddin' pop or something.  Oh yah, beware the ides of march.  You never know if your friend's about to kill you.


06-14-03? Wow, that's along time.  I haven't been updating due to "wardrobe malfunctions."  Actually, I have no clue where this website is going so I stopped updating it cuz it has no content, whatsoever.  Anyways, I'm thinking of having a games review page, which would be kinda cool I guess.  As for the logo, I totally forgot about, and so did my friend.  I'll see him on Thursday and ask him about it.  I added a new Models page cuz I got into modeling over Christmas break and that's where all my models are gonna go (if I ever compile one) and the ones you guys submit.


OK this update is pretty much just to let you know I haven't given up on the site, but just have no clue on what to put in here.  I need content people!   Anyways if you have any comments, ideas or pictures, email me  I wanna a kick ass website, but I need your guy's input.  The logo's coming along, but I don't think it will be done for a while, but it will rox0rz.  So, uh, oh yah I put in another quote and link.  Which reminds me, you guys can also email me your website URL and I'll have yours on my site and mine on yours, which increases traffic and between sites and every one is happy, YAY!  Um, so, uh please?


In anticipation of my pictures page getting too full, I've separated them into different categories and crap.  Although there is only Funny Pictures #1 and Funny Pictures #2, I'm hoping to get some in game pictures.  Nothing to fabulous in this update but oh well.  I also need to get that logo done. =/



So slowly but surely, this page will get better, just be patient.  I now have an all new state-of-the-art Quotes page *dances a jig* and there's a few pictures in the Pictures page.  Also, so all you people who are too dumb to look at the title on the browser, I've put page names on all the pages, so have fun.



OK Artanis Zone is coming soon I just need to finish it up.  But this is pretty much the layout of my site, but where it says "logo" is where there's gonna be a kick arse logo!  The page transition sorta lags up the website, but I like so tough!  Liek OMI did you catch the dynamic HTMLiness down here?

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