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Winter’s End
Chapter 3
Emperor's Sister

Zelgadis watched as the naked girl rested in her crystal prism. He hesitantly ran his fingers along the crystal's face, tracing her form, and blushing once again. He saw her body was nearly healed, only white scratches showing where her injuries once were.

"I've never seen..." he began and paused unsure how to continue. He looked up into her face, startled to see her eyes shiver with the beginings of conciousness. "Oh." he spouted foolishly and reached into the gem's depths to retreve the young maid from within.

He held her close as her body trembled with cold and her eyes opened at last. He drowned into her flaming pupils of ruby red. Eyes with soo much life and

pashion; eyes he's never seen before. He stared transfixed as her soft pink lips opened and screamed long and loud and clear. Zelgadis was startled by the girl's

reaction to his presence, but not half as badly as when she slapped him soundly across his face, and dubbed him a lechorous pervert.

Blushing and stammering like some school boy, Zelgadis struggled to defend himself from her attacks and failed. The vivicious red head landed yet another painfull blow upon his person before the queen swooped down to his rescue.

The Snow queen kept her laughter in check as she viewed the scene before her. "Zelgadis, get the poor creature some clothing," she bade him as he scampered to his feet a safe distance away from their angry guest. "We can't keep her naked on the cold floor now can we." She grinned as her flustered child ran to do her bidding.

The girl glared, spitfully, at the queen, much to her amusement, and attempted to cover her nackedness as best she could.

"Do not look so, little one." the queen reprimended. "And act not so towards my son, neither. You owe him your life afterall. He found you injured and half dead in the snow, and so brought you here to me to be healed. That is all." the queen informed her.

"Who a.. are y.. you?" Lina stuttered with cold,  "Wha.. what th.. this p..p.. place? And what the HELL happened to my clothes!?!"

Zelgadis returned before the queen could answer and gave her some clothing. He turned his back as she dressed in the soft violet material, warmed by its texture and furred trimmings.

"I, little one, am known as the Snow Queen. This is my only son, Zelgadis, the Frost Prince. This is a relm where winter resides, a small, mysterious

kingdom under a layer of protective ice, hidden from the eye of mankind. You fell through this barrior, almost paying with your life. AS for your clothing, well, they are no more than blood splattered tatters." the queen told her and turned to leave. "You are welcome here as our guest, but be warned. You must always have a chaperone or else those here that dwell with hatred and fear of your kind in their hearts will destroy you." With that said, she departed leaving her nervous son with the girl.

Zelgadis stared, as if facinated, at his feet. "So what are you called?" he asked finally, gaining the courage to look up at her.

Lina eyed him, intrigued. "Lina. Lina Inverse. You're Zel right?" He  nodded, confused as she walked to his side. "Thankyou. For saving me, and for the clothes." He noded once more. "Well, how about you give me a tour of 'winter-wonder-land'?" she grinned, causing him to relax.

"Sounds good." he murmured, leading the way. "If it's not too presumptuous of me, could you.. would you tell me about yourself?"

Lina shrugged. "Sure. Well... I'm one of the younger daughters of my family. WE're rather well off, but I was disowned when I refused to be Bartered with like so much chattle. So, alone, I set out to make my way in the world. After some time I landed a position as a maid in the Uld Mettalium manor house. You porbably don't know them." she said as Zel shook his head, confirming her statement.

"What was it like, Lina?" Zel asked as they continued.

"Horrible." Lina snorted. "They treated the help poorly enough, though the wages usually made up for it. I guess I was just 'special'."

"How do you mean?"

Lina sighed deeply before answering. "Well the Uld Mettalium's have Three children. A daughter and two sons. Their eldest, Sylfiel, is very sweet And kind. Her brothers, Xellos and Phibrizo, are self serving weasles. The youngest,

Phibrizo, was the nastiest, spoiled little brat I've ever had the misfourtune to meet, and He disliked me at first sight. Always playing pranks on me, that one."

"Sounds rough" Zelgadis comented.

"HA! You don't know the half of it yet. Phibby was the lesser of the three evils, in this case." Lina snorted. "Xellos on the other hand, tried every under-handed and sleazy trick in the book to get me in the sack."

"A sack?" Zel questioned, innocently, "I don't understand."

Lina blushed as she looked to see how serious he was. Seeing his honestly nieve expression, she attempted to educate him. "Ah.. well.. to get someone in the sack is.. to.. get them into.. bed. AH, you get me?"

Zel blushed red with both embarassment and surprisingly, for him, some fury. "Why that... that's..."

"I know." she nodded, feeling oddly comforted by his reaction. "HE, I managed to deal with... it was Sylfiel that was the biggest trial I had to endure."

Zelgadis watched her as she became silent, waiting for what would surely follow.

Sylfiel Uld Mettalium, the eldest daughter of the house of Mettalium, paced her chambers, distraught. She felt lost, confused, abandoned, and on the verge of a hysterical crying fit. It was quite the sight she displayed, eyes red and lovely dark hair tangled, as her dear brother entered.

"Sylfiel you look disasterous!" Xellos teased as he made himself comfortable.

Sylfiel ran her hands over her sore eyes. "How can you do that!" she puttered angrilly. "Do you delude yourself, or did you really not care?"

"What on earth are you bagering about sister-dearest?" Xellos scoffed, "Anyway.. on a more Interesting topic, where is that delicious strawberry vixen? I haven't seen the lucious Lina all evening." he inquired.

Sylfiel stared at him amazed. "You.. don't.. know.." she breathed, causing his features to darken with ire. "She's gone Xellos!" she spazzed, "She Left Me! All of Us! BUT ME!!! How could she..."  

Xellos stopped listening, and said nothing.

Zel watched as Lina ate with gusto. They had spent most of the day together, time having no real meaning in this world of ice and snow and silence. "So.. it's true? But i've never.. is it really true?"

"yes!" Lina exclaimed, a grin plastered to her face. It had been there since she had told him about Sylfiel's infatuation and he had become almost childishly sweet with his curiosity and disbelief. "Two women can have THAT type of relationship as well as two men or a man and a woman."

"It's practicly un-believable." Zel spoke in awe.

"Most men find the thought of two women arrousing." Lina smirked.

Zel blinked. "how's that? Are you.. like that?"

Lina blushed. "I don't really know. And I prefer guys thanks. Just ONE guy!"

"Oh." Zel replied. "Say Lina, do you.. like me? I find you.. I don't know how to say it but.. I don't want to get you into a sack. I just want to stay like this, talking and being with you."

Lina was astounded. "Wow, I... I don't know. That's one of the nicest..Zel. I think we'd be the best of friends." she smiled. "I must admit, you're the first to tell me about having no desires for me in that way before."

"Did I offend you? I appologise for my callous ignorence." Zelgadis sighed.

"No. I like it. Like I Like YOu. " Lina mused, gaining a smile in return. "You know Zel, i now understand where the fairy taled, prince charming came from."

Zelgadis blushed and smiled some more.

The Snow Queen glided across her crytaline chamber floors. "That human creature is quite intriging. Especially her effects on my dear Zelgadis." she mused. "At best she'll probably liven his spirits like a cute little pet!" she giggled and began her duties as Queen of the Winters' Snow.

Chapter 4

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