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By: Hilary Fox

we wear wings-

tattered, stained, torn
blood-marked, fanned
like our hands spread
wide, embracing
peace, liberty, love
standing in hatch ways.

we wear wings-

broken, bent, ravaged
whiteness gone to gray
and shading down to black
yet they still stretch skyward,
seeking light, heat, safety
playing in music

we wear wings-

molting, failing, quill-weak
angels gone slumming and
dancing with mortals but
still remembering heaven,
remembering war, death, bloodshed
burning with victory

I never marked them once.
never gave them time or truth in me
beyond the moment of fire and ice
when life became death and so did I-
when I became both things-
but with you I see them-
I mark them one by one;
I engrave them in me.

With you I
see these things
or their possibilities
marked on our days-
as they once were not marked in hearts
or at least not in mine

but I know the belief in yours;
for there is no seeing
no hearing
nothing with you-
it is because it is:

I am that I am-
the Lord said that
to Israel once
upon a Sunday.

And that is what I have learned with you,
us two together:
not to see,
but to inevitably
we are that we are.

we have wings.

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