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The Slayers-Files

File Two, Beginnings

By Relm Wanderer

Special Agent Zelgadis Mully blinked and rubbed his eyes as he went to turn off his alarm clock. He tired, really tired. Now it wasn’t as if he wasn’t used to getting up early, he was but he didn’t get bed quite so early. He had been up most of the night reviewing information about the Slayers-Files and reading more about his new partner Special Agent Lina Sculder.

From what Zelgadis could figure out most of the FBI did consider her to be somewhat of a nut case. In fact she even had the nickname ‘Spooky’ from her fellow co-workers. But besides that he found out that Lina used to be profiler investigating serial killers and such. Then she was assigned to work on the Slayers-Files or rather she demanded to work on them. Her and one of her older partners had discovered the Slayers-Files and Lina demanded to be assigned to work on them. They government officials finally gave in and since then she had been working on them. Though it did seem very odd that Lina would want to work on those files. She herself even sounded a bit bitter when she had been talking about the Slayers-Files when Zelgadis had first met her. Then why would someone want to do something that they don’t like? Well the only reason that Zelgadis could find was something dealing with an incident that happened to her family when she was a kid. Zelgadis didn’t know the details but he had been informed that that was the main reason for most of Lina’s odd behaviors.

So here was Zelgadis at 5:00 a.m. needing to get ready to take a plane that was leaving at 6:00 a.m. Why was he leaving so early? Well they needed to be at Luferson, Texas at a certain time and since there was a two-hour time difference he needed to leave early.

When Zelgadis was boarding the plane he didn’t see Lina at all. He was starting to wonder if this was just a joke or if Lina wasn’t going to show up. He shook it off and found his seat. He sat down and looked around the plane. As he figured there wasn’t that many people on the plane. He turned his head around to face forward to find a person staring at him right in his face.

“Ahhh!” Zelgadis jumped a bit and Lina just laughed.

“What did I scare you?” Lina grinned mischievously as she sat back down in her seat in front on him.

“Um no. I was well… when did you get here?”

“About ten minutes ago. Hey can you do me a favor?” Lina sat back up again to face Zelgadis.


“Could you wake me up when we get there?” Lina asked flopping back down.

“Wake you up? You’re not going to sleep-“ Zelgadis cut himself off once he noticed that she had in fact fallen asleep. Zelgadis didn’t know if that was abnormal or not because he rarely flew on planes. ‘Guess this is best time as any to review over the case as ever.’

Though Zelgadis had looked over the case file he hadn’t gone over it thoroughly. Basically the case was about the mysterious mass disappearances of the people of Luferson, Texas. People were disappearing without a trace. All the people that had disappeared were men and women from the ages of 30 to 40. So far there had been twenty people who had disappeared. Though the local authorities of Luferson suspect some sort of foul play they had very little evidence to support it. All these people disappeared without a trace and without any evidence that they had been taken by force. The only real evidence they had that could support foul play was the paranoid ramblings of a 37 year old man about someone being out to get him two days before he had disappeared too. There had to be some sort of explanation to all this but as far as the Luferson local authorities if there was one it was nearly impossible to figure out.

Because the regular branches of the FBI had given up on this case it was Lina and Zelgadis’ turn to take a go at it.

Now the only thoughts that were coming to mind as Zelgadis read over the case file was that this might be something dealing with kidnapping or people running away from their homes at their own free will. But either didn’t make much sense. Yes it’s quite possible for someone to kidnap more then twenty people, but that’s over a long period of time. It’s quite hard for someone to kidnap twenty full-grown adults in such a small period of time let alone do it without leaving any evidence. And as for people leaving their homes and running away, what reason would they have to do that? And if they all ran away how could they manage to disappear without being seen leaving?

Zelgadis was curious to what Lina thought the reasons for the disappearances were but since she was sleeping he couldn’t exactly ask her till later. He sighed and rubbed his temples. ‘This is going to be a long flight…’

Later on when they reached Texas they got off the plane and headed towards the car rental place to rent a car for the time being that they would be in Texas. Zelgadis was still a bit annoyed with Lina. When they had finally landed in Texas Zelgadis went to wake up Lina. Only Lina being a heavy sleeper as she was wouldn’t exactly wake up. So Zelgadis had to more or less embarrass himself by yelling very loud while shaking her to wake her up.

“Oh come on it was that bad. It wasn’t as if there was a lot of people there. We were like the only ones on the plane anyway.” Lina said matter-of-factly.

Zelgadis’ reply, “…”

“You know you ought to lighten up a bit. You take things too seriously.”

Again Zelgadis’ reply, “…”

Lina shook her head and rolled her eyes at him.

In a dark purple rental Toyota Corolla, Lina and Zelgadis headed over to the small town of Luferson Texas. Zelgadis still wasn’t speaking to Lina and this was really starting to bug Lina.

“I bet you are one of those caffeine addicted people that can’t start without a cup of coffee otherwise they are ill tempered the whole day.” Lina said sardonically while driving.

“…” Zelgadis on the other hand sat emotionless staring out at the road still silent.

“And since you can’t live without coffee and I’m betting that you didn’t get your coffee that’s why you are so pissy right now.”


“You know we aren’t going to work as partners if there isn’t any communication.”


“I told you I was sorry alright.”

“Just promise me something.” Zelgadis finally spoke. He glared at her.

“Oh what?” Lina said with childish delight.

“Don’t ever fall asleep on a plane like that and expect me to wake you up.” He returned his gaze back to the road.

“Fine.” Lina said in a bit of annoyance. “But does that mean that if I fall asleep on a plane again and I’m not awake when it’s time depart that you are going to leave without me?”

Zelgadis didn’t say anything he only grinned mischievously.

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